Julia Greenstein
Affiliations: | Microbiology and Immunology | University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, United States |
"Julia Greenstein"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorPhilippa Marrack | grad student | University of Rochester Medical Center | |
Steven J. Burakoff | post-doc | Harvard Medical School, Dana Farber Cancer Institute (Cell Biology Tree) |
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Odorico J, Markmann J, Melton D, et al. (2018) Report of the Key Opinion Leaders Meeting on Stem Cell-Derived Beta Cells. Transplantation |
Counsell CM, Bond JF, Ohman JL, et al. (1996) Definition of the human T-cell epitopes of Fel d 1, the major allergen of the domestic cat. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 98: 884-94 |
Briner TJ, Kuo MC, Keating KM, et al. (1993) Peripheral T-cell tolerance induced in naive and primed mice by subcutaneous injection of peptides from the major cat allergen Fel d I. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90: 7608-12 |
O'Hehir RE, Garman RD, Greenstein JL, et al. (1991) The specificity and regulation of T-cell responsiveness to allergens. Annual Review of Immunology. 9: 67-95 |
GARMAN R, COUNSELL C, GOODWIN W, et al. (1991) 231 Allergic human T cell reactivity to multiple forms of I, a major allergen of short ragweed Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 87: 196 |
ZHU X, GOODFRIEND L, GREENSTEIN J, et al. (1991) 230 Crossreactivity of T cell epitopes in and Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 87: 196 |
Porcelli S, Brenner MB, Greenstein JL, et al. (1989) Recognition of cluster of differentiation 1 antigens by human CD4-CD8-cytolytic T lymphocytes. Nature. 341: 447-50 |
Bierer BE, Greenstein JL, Sleckman B, et al. (1988) Functional analysis of CD2, CD4, and CD8 in T-cell activation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 532: 199-206 |
Ratnofsky SE, Peterson A, Greenstein JL, et al. (1987) Expression and function of CD8 in a murine T cell hybridoma. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. 166: 1747-57 |
Greenstein JL, Burakoff SJ. (1987) The role of L3T4 (CD4) in T-cell activation. Annales De L'Institut Pasteur. Immunology. 138: 134-8 |