Grzegorz Karczewski

Institute of Physics, PAS 
"Grzegorz Karczewski"
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Baranowski P, Szymura M, Kaleta A, et al. (2023) Carrier separation in type-II quantum dots inserted in (Zn,Mg)Te/ZnSe nanowires. Nanoscale. 15: 4143-4151
Kalitukha IV, Ken OS, Korenev VL, et al. (2021) Coexistence of Short- and Long-Range Ferromagnetic Proximity Effects in a Fe/(Cd,Mg)Te/CdTe Quantum Well Hybrid Structure. Nano Letters
Agekyan V, Budkin G, Chukeev M, et al. (2021) Hot exciton relaxation in coupled ultra-thin CdTe/ZnTe quantum well structures Journal of Luminescence. 230: 117762
Yavorskiy D, Szoła M, Karpierz K, et al. (2020) Polarization of Magnetoplasmons in Grating Metamaterials Based on CdTe/CdMgTe Quantum Wells. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 13
Płachta JK, Kaleta A, Kret S, et al. (2020) Polarization and magneto-optical properties of excitonic emission from wurtzite CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te core/shell nanowires. Nanotechnology
Zielony E, Płaczek-Popko E, Karczewski G. (2020) Dielectric Response of ZnTe–Ti/Al Schottky Junctions with CdTe Quantum Dots Studied by Impedance Spectroscopy Crystals. 10: 170
Yavorskiy D, Szoła M, Karpierz K, et al. (2020) Grating Metamaterials Based on CdTe/CdMgTe Quantum Wells as Terahertz Detectors for High Magnetic Field Applications Applied Sciences. 10: 2807
Filosofov NG, Serov AY, Karczewski G, et al. (2020) Photoluminescence of Heterostructures with Ultrathin CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Wells Physics of the Solid State. 62: 1633-1638
Poltavtsev SV, Yugova IA, Kosarev AN, et al. (2020) In-plane anisotropy of the hole g factor in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells studied by spin-dependent photon echoes Physical Review Research. 2
Garcia-Arellano G, Bernardot F, Karczewski G, et al. (2020) Longitudinal spin relaxation time of donor-bound electrons in a CdTe quantum well Physical Review B. 102
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