Mei-Lin Ho
Affiliations: | Department of Chemistry | Soochow University, Taiwan |
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Cheng YH, Belyaev A, Ho ML, et al. (2020) The distinct O quenching mechanism between fluorescence and phosphorescence for dyes adsorbed on silica gel. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp |
Wang CC, Ke SY, Feng Y, et al. (2019) Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Ligand-Enhanced Photo-Induced Color-Changing Behavior of Two Hydrogen-Bonded Ho(III)-Squarate Supramolecular Compounds. Polymers. 11 |
Chen D, Ranganathan R, Lin J, et al. (2019) Ratiometric Tuning of Luminescence: Interplay between the Locally Excited and Interligand Charge-Transfer States in Pyrazolate-Based Boron Compounds The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 123: 4022-4028 |
Wang CC, Ke SY, Chen KT, et al. (2018) Sponge-Like Water De-/Ad-Sorption versus Solid-State Structural Transformation and Colour-Changing Behavior of an Entangled 3D Composite Supramolecuar Architecture, [Ni₄(dpe)₄(btc)₂(Hbtc)(H₂O)₉]·3H₂O. Polymers. 10 |
Luo JJ, Pan SW, Yang JH, et al. (2018) Detecting Glucose Levels in Blood Plasma and Artificial Tear by Au(I) Complex on the Carbopol Polymer: A Microfluidic Paper-Based Method. Polymers. 10 |
Pan ZB, Wang YC, Chakkaradhari G, et al. (2018) A silver metal complex as a luminescent probe for enzymatic sensing of glucose in blood plasma and urine. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) |
Wang CC, Ke SY, Cheng CW, et al. (2017) Four Mixed-Ligand Zn(II) Three-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks: Synthesis, Structural Diversity, and Photoluminescent Property. Polymers. 9 |
Huang PH, Hong CP, Zhu JF, et al. (2017) Ag@Au nanoprism-metal organic framework-based paper for extending the glucose sensing range in human serum and urine. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003) |
Chakkaradhari G, Chen YT, Karttunen AJ, et al. (2016) Luminescent Triphosphine Cyanide d(10) Metal Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry |
Shih IC, Yeh YS, Wu IC, et al. (2015) A new series of fluorescent indicators for super acids. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 91: 654-9 |