Elise Yu-Tzu Li

Department of Chemistry National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City, Taiwan 
"Elise Li"
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Huang CH, Wu CC, Li EY, et al. (2023) Quest for singlet fission of organic sulfur-containing systems in the higher lying singlet excited state: application prospects of anti-Kasha's rule. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Wu CC, Li EY, Chou PT. (2022) Reducing the internal reorganization energy symmetry controlled π-electron delocalization. Chemical Science. 13: 7181-7189
Wang CH, Liu ZY, Huang CH, et al. (2021) Chapter Open for the Excited-State Intramolecular Thiol Proton Transfer in the Room-Temperature Solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Wu X, Huang CY, Chen DG, et al. (2020) Exploiting racemism enhanced organic room-temperature phosphorescence to demonstrate Wallach's rule in the lighting chiral chromophores. Nature Communications. 11: 2145
Du GY, Liu CY, Li EY. (2020) A DFT investigation on the origins of solvent-dependent polysulfide reduction mechanism in rechargeable Li-s batteries Catalysts. 10: 911
Liu ZY, Hu JW, Huang CH, et al. (2019) Sulfur-Based Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bond: Excited-State Hydrogen-Bond On/Off Switch with Dual Room-Temperature Phosphorescence. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141: 9885-9894
Weng GM, Yang B, Liu CY, et al. (2019) Asymmetric allyl-activation of organosulfides for high-energy reversible redox flow batteries Energy and Environmental Science. 12: 2244-2252
Huang CJ, Li EY. (2019) Molecular design principles towards exo-exclusive Diels–Alder reactions Rsc Advances. 9: 7246-7250
Zou Q, Liang Z, Du GY, et al. (2018) Cation-Directed Selective Polysulfide Stabilization in Alkali Metal-Sulfur Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Huang CH, Wu PJ, Chung KY, et al. (2017) Room-temperature phosphorescence from small organic systems containing a thiocarbonyl moiety. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
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