John R Hardy
Affiliations: | University Nebraska Lincoln |
"John R. Hardy"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMaurice Henry Lecorney Pryce | grad student | 1959 | University of Bristol (Physics Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeLawrence L. Boyer | grad student | 1970 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
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Liu J, Kharitonova EP, Duan C, et al. (2005) Phase transition in single crystal Cs2Nb4O11. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122: 144503 |
Yin W, Duan C, Mei W, et al. (2003) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Order- Disorder Phase Transition in Solid NaNO 2 Physical Review B. 68: 174106 |
Liu J, Duan CG, Mei WN, et al. (2002) Polymorphous transformations in alkaline-earth silicates Journal of Chemical Physics. 116: 3864-3869 |
Liu J, Duan C, Ossowski MM, et al. (2002) Molecular dynamics simulation of phase transition in AgNO3 Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 63: 409-414 |
Liu J, Duan CG, Mei WN, et al. (2002) Order-disorder structural phase transitions in alkali perchlorates Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 163: 294-299 |
Duan C, Mei W, Smith RW, et al. (2001) Order-disorder phase transitions in KNO 2 , CsNO 2 , and TlNO 2 crystals: A molecular dynamics study Physical Review B. 63: 144105 |
Liu J, Duan C, Ossowski MM, et al. (2001) High-temperature phase transition in TlN3 Materials Research Bulletin. 36: 2035-2041 |
Liu J, Duan C, Ossowski MM, et al. (2001) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Structural Phase Transitions in RbNO3 and CsNO3 Ieee Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 160: 222-229 |
Ossowski MM, Hardy JR, Smith RW. (2000) Molecular-Dynamics Study of Phase Transitions in Alkali Thiocyanates Physical Review B. 62: 3136-3141 |
Smith RW, Mei WN, Flocken JW, et al. (2000) Polymorphic phase transitions in mixed alkali magnesium fluoride solid solutions Materials Research Bulletin. 35: 341-349 |