Dmitry Baranov, Ph.D.

2017-2022 Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, United States 
 2022- Division of Chemical Physics Lund University, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden 
"Dmitry Baranov"
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Shouheng Sun research assistant 2006-2006 Brown
 (visiting research scholar)
Michael Giersig research assistant 2007-2007 Center of Advanced European Studies and Research (CAESAR)
 (visiting researcher)
Sergey P. Gubin research assistant 2003-2008 Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
 (undergraduate research assistant)
Ekaterina N. Kadnikova research assistant 2008-2008 University of Missouri - Kansas City
 (short-term scholar)
Dmitri V. Talapin grad student 2009-2010 Chicago
David M. Jonas grad student 2011-2017 CU Boulder
Liberato Manna post-doc 2017-2022 IIT
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Filippi U, Toso S, Zaffalon ML, et al. (2024) Cooling-Induced Order-Disorder Phase Transition in CsPbBr Nanocrystal Superlattices. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). e2410949
Milloch A, Filippi U, Franceschini P, et al. (2024) Fate of Optical Excitons in FAPbI Nanocube Superlattices. Acs Photonics. 11: 3511-3520
Li Z, Goldoni L, Wu Y, et al. (2024) Exogenous Metal Cations in the Synthesis of CsPbBr Nanocrystals and Their Interplay with Tertiary Amines. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Bassani CL, van Anders G, Banin U, et al. (2024) Nanocrystal Assemblies: Current Advances and Open Problems. Acs Nano
Milloch A, Filippi U, Franceschini P, et al. (2023) Halide Perovskite Artificial Solids as a New Platform to Simulate Collective Phenomena in Doped Mott Insulators. Nano Letters. 23: 10617-10624
Toso S, Baranov D, Filippi U, et al. (2022) Collective Diffraction Effects in Perovskite Nanocrystal Superlattices. Accounts of Chemical Research. 56: 66-76
Avugadda SK, Castelli A, Dhanabalan B, et al. (2022) Highly Emitting Perovskite Nanocrystals with 2-Year Stability in Water through an Automated Polymer Encapsulation for Bioimaging. Acs Nano
Sartori E, Campolucci M, Baranov D, et al. (2021) Red-emissive nanocrystals of CsMnCdSbCl layered perovskites. Nanoscale
Toso S, Baranov D, Giannini C, et al. (2021) Structure and Surface Passivation of Ultrathin Cesium Lead Halide Nanoplatelets Revealed by Multilayer Diffraction. Acs Nano
Petralanda U, Biffi G, Boehme SC, et al. (2021) Fast Intrinsic Emission Quenching in CsPbBr Nanocrystals. Nano Letters. 21: 8619-8626
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