Gregory D. Scholes, Ph.D.

2000-2014 Chemistry University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
 2014- Chemistry Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
Ultrafast electron transfer, Quantum mechanical energy transfer processes, Photosynthetic and bio-inspired solar energy conversion, Multidimensional electronic spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Quantum Biology
"Gregory Scholes"
Mean distance: 8.51


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Vanessa Huxter grad student 2009 University of Toronto
Cathy Y. Wong grad student 2005-2011 University of Toronto
Megan H. Oh grad student 2013 University of Toronto
Anna Lee grad student 2009-2014 University of Toronto
Yin Song grad student 2009-2015 University of Toronto
Andrew H. Proppe grad student 2014-2015 University of Toronto
Yasser Hassan grad student 2010-2016 University of Toronto
Zi Siang Desmond Toa grad student 2013-2019 Princeton
Siwei Wang grad student 2014-2020 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica
Bryan Kudisch grad student 2015-2020 Princeton
Haizheng Zhong post-doc University of Toronto
Grace B. Panetti post-doc 2021- Princeton
Jeongho Kim post-doc 2004-2009 University of Toronto
Marcus Jones post-doc 2006-2009 University of Toronto
Elisabetta Collini post-doc 2008-2009 University of Toronto
Jessica M. Anna post-doc 2011-2014 University of Toronto
Aurelia Chenu post-doc 2013-2015 University of Toronto (Physics Tree)
Jacob C. Dean post-doc 2017 Princeton
Sofia Garakyaraghi post-doc 2018-2019 Princeton
Shahnawaz Rafiq Rather post-doc 2015-2020 Princeton
Somnath Biswas post-doc 2020-2023 Princeton
Aarat P Kalra post-doc 2021-2023 Princeton


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Carsten Milsmann collaborator 2018-2019 Princeton
BETA: Related publications


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Fleming GR, Scholes GD. (2024) The development and applications of multidimensional biomolecular spectroscopy illustrated by photosynthetic light harvesting. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. 57: e11
Panetti GB, Kim J, Myong MS, et al. (2024) Photodriven Ammonia Synthesis from Manganese Nitrides: Photophysics and Mechanistic Investigations. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Norris AC, Oberg C, Spangler LC, et al. (2024) Discovery of Multiple Light-Harvesting States of the Photosynthetic Protein PE545. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 146: 27373-27381
Rather SR, Scholes GD, Chen LX. (2024) From Coherence to Function: Exploring the Connection in Chemical Systems. Accounts of Chemical Research
Biswas S, Zhao R, Alowa F, et al. (2024) Exciton polaron formation and hot-carrier relaxation in rigid Dion-Jacobson-type two-dimensional perovskites. Nature Materials
Kalra AP, Biswas S, Mulrain I, et al. (2023) Correction to "All Lit Up: Exploring the Photophysical Properties of Protein Polymers". The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6376
Kalra AP, Biswas S, Mulrain I, et al. (2023) All Lit Up: Exploring the Photophysical Properties of Protein Polymers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5891-5900
Li X, Page CG, Zanetti-Polzi L, et al. (2023) Mechanism and Dynamics of Photodecarboxylation Catalyzed by Lactate Monooxygenase. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145: 13232-13240
Roy PP, Leonardo C, Orcutt K, et al. (2023) Infrared Signatures of Phycobilins within the Phycocyanin 645 Complex. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Kalra AP, Benny A, Travis SM, et al. (2023) Electronic Energy Migration in Microtubules. Acs Central Science. 9: 352-361
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