Kensal E. van Holde

Biochemistry and Biophysics Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
the structure of chromatin and the structure and function of hemocyanins
"Kensal E. van Holde"

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John Warren Williams grad student 1952 UW Madison
 (A study of the viscoelastic behavior and molecular weight distribution of polyisobutylene)


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George D. Rose grad student 1976 Oregon State
Kelly G. Tatchell grad student 1978 Oregon State (Cell Biology Tree)
Steven  C. Hand grad student 1979 Oregon State (Marine Ecology Tree)
Thomas P. Ellen grad student 2004 Oregon State
Kenneth W. Nickerson post-doc 1969-1971 Oregon State (Microtree)
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Zlatanova J, Bishop TC, Victor JM, et al. (2009) The nucleosome family: dynamic and growing. Structure (London, England : 1993). 17: 160-71
Tomschik M, Zheng H, van Holde K, et al. (2005) Fast, long-range, reversible conformational fluctuations in nucleosomes revealed by single-pair fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 3278-83
Ellen TP, Van Holde KE. (2004) Linker histone interaction shows divalent character with both supercoiled and linear DNA Biochemistry. 43: 7867-7872
Van Holde K, Yager T. (2003) Models for chromatin remodeling: A critical comparison Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 81: 169-172
Zlatanova J, Caiafa P, Van Holde K. (2000) Linker histone binding and displacement: Versatile mechanism for transcriptional regulation Faseb Journal. 14: 1697-1704
Zlatanova J, Leuba SH, Van Holde K. (1999) Chromatin structure revisited Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression. 9: 245-255
An W, Zlatanova J, Leuba SH, et al. (1999) The site of binding of linker histone to the nucleosome does not depend upon the amino termini of core histones Biochimie. 81: 727-732
Van Holde K, Zlatanova J. (1999) The nucleosome core particle: Does it have structural and physiologic relevance? Bioessays. 21: 776-780
An W, Van Holde K, Zlatanova J. (1998) The non-histone chromatin protein HMG1 protects linker DNA on the side opposite to that protected by linker histones Journal of Biological Chemistry. 273: 26289-26291
Carter GJ, Van Holde K. (1998) Differential silver-staining sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: A nonisotopic method for characterizing gel-separated histone-DNA complexes Analytical Biochemistry. 263: 79-84
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