Holly A. Ingraham
Affiliations: | Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology | University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA |
Nuclear Receptors, NeuroendocrinologyWebsite:
"Holly Ingraham"Mean distance: 9.13 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorMehran Goulian | grad student | 1981 | UCSD | |
(Effects of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine on intracellular metabolism of deoxyuridylate) |
Sign in to add traineeLori M. Roberts | grad student | 2001 | University of California, San Francisco with the University of California, Berkeley |
Michelle L. Bland | grad student | 2003 | UCSF |
Lioudmila A. Campbell | grad student | 2007 | UCSF |
Erik T. Lontok | grad student | 2010 | UCSF |
Stephanie Correa | post-doc | ||
Raymond D. Blind | post-doc | 2008-2015 | UCSF (Crystallography Tree) |
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Krause WC, Rodriguez R, Gegenhuber B, et al. (2021) Oestrogen engages brain MC4R signalling to drive physical activity in female mice. Nature |
Herber CB, Ingraham HA. (2019) Should We Make More Bone or Not, As Told by Kisspeptin Neurons in the Arcuate Nucleus. Seminars in Reproductive Medicine. 37: 147-150 |
Herber CB, Krause WC, Wang L, et al. (2019) Estrogen signaling in arcuate Kiss1 neurons suppresses a sex-dependent female circuit promoting dense strong bones. Nature Communications. 10: 163 |
Choksi PK, Ingraham HA, Bayrer J. (2019) 948 – Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homolog-1 Promotes Intestinal Notch Signaling and Enteroendocrine Cell Development Gastroenterology. 156: S-202 |
Bayrer JR, Wang H, Nattiv R, et al. (2018) LRH-1 mitigates intestinal inflammatory disease by maintaining epithelial homeostasis and cell survival. Nature Communications. 9: 4055 |
Miranda DA, Krause WC, Cazenave-Gassiot A, et al. (2018) LRH-1 regulates hepatic lipid homeostasis and maintains arachidonoyl phospholipid pools critical for phospholipid diversity. Jci Insight. 3 |
Bayrer J, Escusa H, Kein OD, et al. (2018) 273 - Nuclear Receptor LRH-1 Mitigates Intestinal Inflammatory Disease by Promoting Stem Cell Survival and Directing Normal Epithelial Composition Gastroenterology. 154: S-67 |
Krause WC, Ingraham HA. (2017) Origins and Functions of the Ventrolateral VMH: A Complex Neuronal Cluster Orchestrating Sex Differences in Metabolism and Behavior. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1043: 199-213 |
Xing Y, Morohashi KI, Ingraham HA, et al. (2017) Timing of adrenal regression controlled by synergistic interaction between Sf1 SUMOylation and Dax1. Development (Cambridge, England) |
Bellono NW, Bayrer JR, Leitch DB, et al. (2017) Enterochromaffin Cells Are Gut Chemosensors that Couple to Sensory Neural Pathways. Cell |