Franck Fayon

CEMHTI CNRS, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Franck Fayon"
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Sainz-Menchón M, González de Arrieta I, Zaki A, et al. (2023) Structural Unit Determination in Silica Nanoparticles Using Infrared Micro-Reflectance Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy. 37028231218289
Dolhen M, Allix M, Sarou-Kanian V, et al. (2020) A comprehensive study of the glass/translucent anti-glass/transparent ceramic structural ordering in the Bi2O3Nb2O5–TeO2 system Acta Materialia. 189: 73-84
Laval JP, Duclère JR, Couderc V, et al. (2019) Highly Transparent Fluorotellurite Glass-Ceramics: Structural Investigations and Luminescence Properties. Inorganic Chemistry
Dib E, Mineva T, Veron E, et al. (2018) ZSM-5 Zeolite: Complete Al Bond Connectivity and Implications on Structure Formation from Solid-State NMR and Quantum Chemistry Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9: 19-24
Srivastava DJ, Baltisberger JH, Florian P, et al. (2018) Correlating structural distributions in silica glass with two-dimensional J -resolved spectroscopy Physical Review B. 98
Fernandez-Carrion AJ, Al Saghir K, Veron E, et al. (2017) Local Disorder and Tunable Luminescence in SrAlSiO (0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) Transparent Ceramics. Inorganic Chemistry. 56: 14446-14458
Huynh TV, Messinger RJ, Sarou-Kanian V, et al. (2017) Restricted lithium ion dynamics in PEO-based block copolymer electrolytes measured by high-field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 147: 134902
Dib E, Mineva T, Gaveau P, et al. (2017) Probing Disorder in Al-ZSM-5 Zeolites by 14N NMR Spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121: 15831-15841
Casañas-Montes B, Díaz A, Barbosa C, et al. (2015) Molybdocene dichloride intercalation into zirconium phosphate nanoparticles Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 791: 34-40
Sadoc A, Biswal M, Body M, et al. (2014) NMR parameters in column 13 metal fluoride compounds (AlF₃, GaF₃, InF₃ and TlF) from first principle calculations. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 59: 1-7
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