Sagi Levy

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 
"Sagi Levy"
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Vardi N, Levy S, Gurvich Y, et al. (2014) Sequential feedback induction stabilizes the phosphate starvation response in budding yeast. Cell Reports. 9: 1122-34
Vardi N, Levy S, Assaf M, et al. (2013) Budding yeast escape commitment to the phosphate starvation program using gene expression noise. Current Biology : Cb. 23: 2051-7
Levy S, Kafri M, Carmi M, et al. (2011) The competitive advantage of a dual-transporter system. Science (New York, N.Y.). 334: 1408-12
Levy S, Barkai N. (2009) Coordination of gene expression with growth rate: a feedback or a feed-forward strategy? Febs Letters. 583: 3974-8
Levy S, Ihmels J, Carmi M, et al. (2007) Strategy of transcription regulation in the budding yeast Plos One. 2
Melen GJ, Levy S, Barkai N, et al. (2005) Threshold responses to morphogen gradients by zero-order ultrasensitivity. Molecular Systems Biology. 1: 2005.0028
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