Guillem Pratx

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Guillem Pratx"
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Craig Levin grad student 2010 Stanford (Neurotree)
Lei Xing post-doc 2010-2013 Stanford
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Das N, Nguyen HTM, Lu WJ, et al. (2024) Increased [F]FDG uptake of radiation-induced giant cells: a single-cell study in lung cancer models. Npj Imaging. 2: 14
Jung KO, Pratx G. (2023) Single-Cell PET Imaging and Tracking. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2729: 331-340
Natarajan A, Khan S, Liang X, et al. (2023) Preclinical evaluation of Zr-Panitumumab for biology-guided radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
Klein JS, Kim TJ, Pratx G. (2022) Development of a lensless radiomicroscope for cellular-resolution radionuclide imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine : Official Publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine
Jung KO, Theruvath AJ, Nejadnik H, et al. (2022) Mechanoporation enables rapid and efficient radiolabeling of stem cells for PET imaging. Scientific Reports. 12: 2955
Yu JH, Steinberg I, Davis RM, et al. (2021) Noninvasive and Highly Multiplexed Five-Color Tumor Imaging of Multicore Near-Infrared Resonant Surface-Enhanced Raman Nanoparticles . Acs Nano
Khan S, Shin JH, Ferri V, et al. (2021) High-resolution positron emission microscopy of patient-derived tumor organoids. Nature Communications. 12: 5883
Khan S, Kim S, Yang YP, et al. (2021) High-resolution radioluminescence microscopy of FDG uptake in an engineered 3D tumor-stoma model. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Kim TJ, Ha B, Bick AD, et al. (2021) Microfluidics-Coupled Radioluminescence Microscopy for Radiotracer Kinetic Studies. Analytical Chemistry
Khan S, Bassenne M, Wang J, et al. (2021) Multicellular spheroids as in vitro models of oxygen depletion during FLASH irradiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
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