Helmut Grubmüller
Affiliations: | Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany |
"Helmut Grubmüller"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorKlaus Schulten | research assistant | 1990-1991 | UIUC |
Kurt Wüthrich | post-doc | 1997 | ETH Zürich |
Paul Tavan | post-doc | 1994-1998 | Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
Sign in to add traineeFrauke Gräter | grad student | 2002-2005 | Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
Sarah Rauscher | post-doc | ||
Michal H. Kolář | post-doc | 2016-2017 | Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry |
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Rennekamp B, Grubmüller H, Gräter F. (2024) Hidden length lets collagen buffer mechanical and chemical stress. Physical Review. E. 110: 054408 |
Bock LV, Gabrielli S, Kolář MH, et al. (2022) Simulation of Complex Biomolecular Systems: The Ribosome Challenge. Annual Review of Biophysics |
Kolář MH, Nagy G, Kunkel J, et al. (2022) Folding of VemP into translation-arresting secondary structure is driven by the ribosome exit tunnel. Nucleic Acids Research. 50: 2258-2269 |
Buelens FP, Leonov H, de Groot BL, et al. (2021) ATP-Magnesium Coordination: Protein Structure-Based Force Field Evaluation and Corrections. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 17: 1922-1930 |
Igaev M, Grubmüller H. (2020) Microtubule instability driven by longitudinal and lateral strain propagation. Plos Computational Biology. 16 |
Dobrev P, Vemulapalli SPB, Nath N, et al. (2020) Correction to "Probing the Accuracy of Explicit Solvent Constant pH Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Peptides". Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation |
Dobrev P, Vemulapalli SPB, Nath N, et al. (2020) Probing the accuracy of explicit solvent constant pH molecular dynamics simulations for peptides. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation |
Heinz LP, Grubmüller H. (2020) Computing spatially resolved rotational hydration entropies from atomistic simulations Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16: 108-118 |
Abraham MJ, Apostolov RP, Barnoud J, et al. (2019) Sharing Data from Molecular Simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling |
Nagy G, Igaev M, Jones NC, et al. (2019) SESCA: Predicting Circular Dichroism Spectra from Protein Molecular Structures. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation |