Klaus H. Nielsen

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Klaus Nielsen"
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Toroney R, Nielsen KH, Staley JP. (2019) Termination of pre-mRNA splicing requires that the ATPase and RNA unwindase Prp43p acts on the catalytic snRNA U6. Genes & Development
He Y, Staley JP, Andersen GR, et al. (2017) Structure of DEAH/RHA ATPase Prp43p bound to RNA implicates a pair of hairpins and motif Va in translocation along RNA. Rna (New York, N.Y.)
Nielsen KH, Staley JP. (2012) Spliceosome activation: U4 is the path, stem I is the goal, and Prp8 is the keeper. Let's cheer for the ATPase Brr2! Genes & Development. 26: 2461-7
He Y, Andersen GR, Nielsen KH. (2011) The function and architecture of DEAH/RHA helicases. Biomolecular Concepts. 2: 315-26
Nielsen KH, Behrens MA, He Y, et al. (2011) Synergistic activation of eIF4A by eIF4B and eIF4G. Nucleic Acids Research. 39: 2678-89
Kurata S, Nielsen KH, Mitchell SF, et al. (2010) Ribosome recycling step in yeast cytoplasmic protein synthesis is catalyzed by eEF3 and ATP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107: 10854-9
He Y, Andersen GR, Nielsen KH. (2010) Structural basis for the function of DEAH helicases. Embo Reports. 11: 180-6
Nielsen KH, Chamieh H, Andersen CB, et al. (2009) Mechanism of ATP turnover inhibition in the EJC. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 15: 67-75
Szamecz B, Rutkai E, Cuchalová L, et al. (2008) eIF3a cooperates with sequences 5′ of uORF1 to promote resumption of scanning by post-termination ribosomes for reinitiation on GCN4 mRNA Genes and Development. 22: 2414-2425
Nielsen KH, Valásek L. (2007) In vivo deletion analysis of the architecture of a multiprotein complex of translation initiation factors. Methods in Enzymology. 431: 15-32
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