Reinhard Zellner
Affiliations: | Physical Chemistry | University of Essen, Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
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Zellner R, Herrmann H, Wiesen P, et al. (2016) New and Emerging Technologies of Societal Relevance: Impact on Air Quality and Climate Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 88: 1257-1258 |
Seisel S, Keil T, Zellner R. (2009) The Uptake of SO2 on α-Fe2O3 and Mineral Dust Surfaces in the Temperature Range 250 K to 600 K Zeitschrift FüR Physikalische Chemie. 223: 1477-1495 |
Somnitz H, Zellner R. (2006) Kinetics and Dynamics of Multi-Channel Unimolecular Reactions of Alkoxyl Radicals Over an Extended Range of Temperature and Pressure. A Combined Quantum Chemical/RRKM Dynamical Study Zeitschrift FüR Physikalische Chemie. 220: 1029-1048 |
Seisel S, Keil T, Lian Y, et al. (2006) Kinetics of the uptake of SO2 on mineral oxides: Improved initial uptake coefficients at 298 K from pulsed Knudsen cell experiments International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. 38: 242-249 |
Seisel S, Pashkova A, Lian Y, et al. (2005) Water uptake on mineral dust and soot: a fundamental view of the hydrophilicity of atmospheric particles? Faraday Discussions. 130: 437-51; discussion 4 |
Seisel S, Börensen C, Vogt R, et al. (2005) Kinetics and mechanism of the uptake of N 2 O 5 on mineral dust at 298 K Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 5: 5645-5667 |
Seisel S, Börensen C, Vogt R, et al. (2004) The heterogeneous reaction of HNO3 on mineral dust and γ-alumina surfaces: a combined Knudsen cell and DRIFTS study Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6: 5498-5508 |
Seisel S, Lian Y, Keil T, et al. (2004) Kinetics of the interaction of water vapour with mineral dust and soot surfaces at T=298 K Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 6: 1926-1932 |
Wicktor F, Donati A, Herrmann H, et al. (2003) Laser based spectroscopic and kinetic investigations of reactions of the Cl atom with oxygenated hydrocarbons in aqueous solution Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 5: 2562-2572 |
Umschlag T, Zellner R, Herrmann H. (2002) Laser-based studies of NO3 radical reactions with selected aromatic compounds in aqueous solution Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 4: 2975-2982 |