Stephanie Valleau

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Theoretical chemistry, kinetics, machine learning
"Stephanie Valleau"
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Komp E, Valleau S. (2022) Low-cost prediction of molecular and transition state partition functions machine learning. Chemical Science. 13: 7900-7906
Komp E, Janulaitis N, Valleau S. (2021) Progress towards machine learning reaction rate constants. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Komp E, Valleau S. (2021) Addition to "Machine Learning Quantum Reaction Rate Constants". The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 125: 9259-9260
Komp E, Valleau S. (2020) Machine Learning Quantum Reaction Rate Constants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 124: 8607-8613
Valleau S, Martínez TJ. (2019) Reaction Dynamics of Cyanohydrins With Hydrosulfide in Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Valleau S, Studer RA, Häse F, et al. (2017) Absence of Selection for Quantum Coherence in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson Complex: A Combined Evolutionary and Excitonic Study. Acs Central Science. 3: 1086-1095
Häse F, Valleau S, Pyzer-Knapp E, et al. (2016) Machine learning exciton dynamics. Chemical Science. 7: 5139-5147
Chandrasekaran S, Aghtar M, Valleau S, et al. (2015) Influence of Force Fields and Quantum Chemistry Approach on Spectral Densities of BChl a in Solution and in FMO Proteins. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 9995-10004
Valleau S, Saikin SK, Ansari-Oghol-Beig D, et al. (2014) Electromagnetic study of the chlorosome antenna complex of Chlorobium tepidum. Acs Nano. 8: 3884-94
Huh J, Saikin SK, Brookes JC, et al. (2014) Atomistic study of energy funneling in the light-harvesting complex of green sulfur bacteria. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136: 2048-57
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