Aaron Matthew Scurto, Ph.D.

Chemical Engineering University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
Ionic liquids, supercritical fluids,
"Aaron Scurto"
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Stanley Irving Sandler research assistant 1994-1997 University of Delaware
 (B.ChE Thesis: "Modeling of solid–supercritical fluid phase equilibria with a cubic equation of state-Gex model")
Joan F. Brennecke grad student 1997-2002 Notre Dame
 (High-pressure phase and chemical equilibria of beta-diketone ligands and chelates with carbon dioxide.)
Walter Leitner post-doc 2002-2003 RWTH Aachen University
 (Project: "Homogeneous Catalysis in Biphasic Compressed CO2-"induced" Ionic Liquid Systems")
Alexander M. Klibanov post-doc 2003-2004 MIT
 (Project: "Directed-Evolution of Enzymes for Enantioselective Reactions in Nonaqueous Solvents.")
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Baca KR, Al-Barghouti K, Wang N, et al. (2024) Ionic Liquids for the Separation of Fluorocarbon Refrigerant Mixtures. Chemical Reviews
Morais ARC, Simoni LD, Shiflett MB, et al. (2020) Viscosity and Density of a Polyol Ester Lubricating Oil Saturated with Compressed Hydrofluoroolefin Refrigerants Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 65: 4335-4346
Morais ARC, Simoni LD, Scurto AM, et al. (2020) Solubility and Diffusivity of Hydrofluoroolefin Refrigerants in a Polyol Ester Lubricant Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59: 6279-6287
Kore R, Scurto AM, Shiflett MB. (2020) Review of Isobutane Alkylation Technology Using Ionic Liquid-Based Catalysts – Where Do We Stand? Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 59: 15811-15838
Morais ARC, Simoni LD, Douglas JT, et al. (2020) Phase equilibrium and diffusivities of hydrofluorocarbons in a synthetic polyol ester lubricant Aiche Journal. 66
Morais ARC, Alaras LM, Baek DL, et al. (2019) Viscosity of 1-Alkyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquids Saturated with Compressed CO2 Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 64: 4658-4667
Turnaoglu T, Minnick DL, Morais ARC, et al. (2019) High-Pressure Vapor−Liquid Equilibria of 1-Alkyl-1-Methylpyrrolidinium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquids and CO2 Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 64: 4668-4678
Kian K, Scurto AM. (2018) Viscosity of compressed CO2-saturated n-alkanes: CO2/n-hexane, CO2/n-decane, and CO2/n-tetradecane The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 133: 411-420
Kian K, Scurto AM. (2017) Heat Transport Properties of CO2-Expanded Liquids:n-Hexane,n-Decane, andn-Tetradecane Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 56: 12822-12832
Ahosseini A, Ren W, Weatherley LR, et al. (2017) Viscosity and self-diffusivity of ionic liquids with compressed hydrofluorocarbons: 1-Hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane Fluid Phase Equilibria. 437: 34-42
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