Indranil Saha Dalal
Affiliations: | Chemical Engineering | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India |
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Goswami A, Dalal IS, Singh JK. (2021) Universal Nucleation Behavior of Sheared Systems. Physical Review Letters. 126: 195702 |
Goswami A, Dalal IS, Singh JK. (2020) Seeding method for ice nucleation under shear. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 153: 094502 |
Huang W, Dalal IS, Larson RG. (2014) Analysis of solvation and gelation behavior of methylcellulose using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 118: 13992-4008 |
Dalal IS, Hsieh CC, Albaugh A, et al. (2014) Effects of excluded volume and hydrodynamic interactions on the behavior of isolated bead-rod polymer chains in shearing flow Aiche Journal. 60: 1400-1412 |
Dalal IS, Larson RG. (2013) Explaining the absence of high-frequency viscoelastic relaxation modes of polymers in dilute solutions Macromolecules. 46: 1981-1992 |
Dalal IS, Hoda N, Larson RG. (2012) Multiple regimes of deformation in shearing flow of isolated polymers Journal of Rheology. 56: 305-332 |
Duncan SL, Dalal IS, Larson RG. (2011) Molecular dynamics simulation of phase transitions in model lung surfactant monolayers. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1808: 2450-65 |
Jain S, Dalal IS, Orichella N, et al. (2009) Do bending and torsional potentials affect the unraveling dynamics of flexible polymer chains in extensional or shear flows? Chemical Engineering Science. 64: 4566-4571 |