Gwendolyn Anne Bailey

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Inorganic Chemistry
"Gwendolyn Bailey"
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Chris Orvig research assistant 2011-2012 UBC
Deryn Elizabeth Fogg grad student 2012-2018 University of Ottawa
Theodor Agapie post-doc 2018-2021 Caltech
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Le LNV, Bailey GA, Scott AG, et al. (2021) Partial synthetic models of FeMoco with sulfide and carbyne ligands: Effect of interstitial atom in nitrogenase active site. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118
Bailey GA, Buss JA, Oyala PH, et al. (2021) Terminal, Open-Shell Mo Carbide and Carbyne Complexes: Spin Delocalization and Ligand Noninnocence. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Buss JA, Bailey GA, Oppenheim J, et al. (2019) CO Coupling Chemistry of a Terminal Mo Carbide: Sequential Addition of Proton, Hydride, and CO Releases Ethenone. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Bailey GA, Foscato M, Higman CS, et al. (2018) Bimolecular Coupling as a Vector for Decomposition of Fast-Initiating Olefin Metathesis Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Higman CS, do Nascimento DL, Ireland BJ, et al. (2018) Chelate-Assisted Ring-Closing Metathesis: A Strategy for Accelerated Macrocyclization at Ambient Temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Bailey GA, Lummiss JAM, Foscato M, et al. (2017) Decomposition of Olefin Metathesis Catalysts by Brønsted Base: Metallacyclobutane Deprotonation as a Primary Deactivating Event. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Santos AG, Bailey GA, dos Santos EN, et al. (2017) Overcoming Catalyst Decomposition in Acrylate Metathesis: Polyphenol Resins as Enabling Agents for PCy3-Stabilized Metathesis Catalysts Acs Catalysis. 7: 3181-3189
Bailey GA, Fogg DE. (2016) Confronting Neutrality: Maximizing Success in the Analysis of Transition-Metal Catalysts by MALDI Mass Spectrometry Acs Catalysis. 6: 4962-4971
Bailey GA, Fogg DE. (2015) Acrylate Metathesis via the Second-Generation Grubbs Catalyst: Unexpected Pathways Enabled by a PCy3-Generated Enolate. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137: 7318-21
Rodríguez-Rodríguez C, Telpoukhovskaia MA, Alí-Torres J, et al. (2015) Thioflavin-based molecular probes for application in Alzheimer's disease: from in silico to in vitro models. Metallomics : Integrated Biometal Science. 7: 83-92
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