Nagarjun Narayanaswamy

2015 Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 
"Nagarjun Narayanaswamy"
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Thimmaiah Govindaraju grad student 2015 Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
 (Design, Synthesis and Applications of Small Molecular Probes in Studying Canonical and Non-Canonical DNA structure)
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Ganguly S, Murugan NA, Ghosh D, et al. (2021) DNA Minor Groove-Induced - Isomerization of a Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe. Biochemistry
Ganguly S, Ghosh D, Narayanaswamy N, et al. (2020) Dual DNA binding mode of a turn-on red fluorescent probe thiazole coumarin. Plos One. 15: e0239145
Suseela YV, Narayanaswamy N, Pratihar S, et al. (2017) Far-red fluorescent probes for canonical and non-canonical nucleic acid structures: current progress and future implications. Chemical Society Reviews
Rajasekhar K, Narayanaswamy N, Murugan NA, et al. (2017) Aβ plaque-selective NIR fluorescence probe to differentiate Alzheimer's disease from tauopathies. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 98: 54-61
Narayanaswamy N, Narra S, Nair RR, et al. (2016) Stimuli-responsive colorimetric and NIR fluorescence combination probe for selective reporting of cellular hydrogen peroxide. Chemical Science. 7: 2832-2841
Narayanaswamy N, Nair RR, Suseela YV, et al. (2016) A molecular beacon-based DNA switch for reversible pH sensing in vesicles and live cells. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England). 52: 8741-4
Rajasekhar K, Narayanaswamy N, Murugan NA, et al. (2016) A High Affinity Red Fluorescence and Colorimetric Probe for Amyloid β Aggregates. Scientific Reports. 6: 23668
Narayanaswamy N, Narra S, Nair RR, et al. (2016) Stimuli-responsive colorimetric and NIR fluorescence combination probe for selective reporting of cellular hydrogen peroxide Chemical Science. 7: 2832-2841
Narayanaswamy N, Das S, Samanta PK, et al. (2015) Sequence-specific recognition of DNA minor groove by an NIR-fluorescence switch-on probe and its potential applications. Nucleic Acids Research
Narayanaswamy N, Unnikrishnan M, Gupta M, et al. (2015) Fluorescence reporting of G-quadruplex structures and modulating their DNAzyme activity using polyethylenimine-pyrene conjugate. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 25: 2395-400
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