Lambertus Hendrikus Maria (Bert) Janssen

1984-2008 Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands 
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
""Lambertus Hendrikus Maria (Bert) Janssen""

(1943 - 2021)

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Gerardus A.J. van Os grad student 1970 Radboud University Nijmegen
 (Hydrogen ion titration studies of human and horse hemoglobins)
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Labro JF, Janssen LH. (1986) A proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of human serum albumin in the neutral pH region. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 873: 267-78
Janssen LH, de Bruin SH, van Os GA. (1972) Titration behavior of histidines in human, horse, and bovine hemoglobins. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 247: 1743-1749
Janssen LH, de Bruin SH, van Os GA. (1972) Hydrogen ion titration study of the histidine residues of horse myoglobin. International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research. 4: 339-342
Harmsen BJ, De Bruin SH, Janssen LH, et al. (1971) pK change of imidazole groups in bovine serum albumin due to the conformational change at neutral pH. Biochemistry. 10: 3217-21
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