Yuntao Xia
Affiliations: | 2019 | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
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Tobin MP, Pfeifer CR, Zhu PK, et al. (2023) Differences in cell shape, motility, and growth reflect chromosomal number variations that can be visualized with live-cell ChReporters. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 34: br19 |
Hayes BH, Zhu PK, Wang M, et al. (2023) Confinement plus myosin-II suppression maximizes heritable loss of chromosomes, as revealed by live-cell ChReporters. Journal of Cell Science. 136 |
Vashisth M, Cho S, Irianto J, et al. (2021) Scaling concepts in 'omics: Nuclear lamin-B scales with tumor growth and often predicts poor prognosis, unlike fibrosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 |
Zhu K, Hayes B, Wang M, et al. (2021) Live Cell Chromosome Loss Reporter Shows Mechanical Confinement Associates with Chromosome Mis-Segregation Biophysical Journal. 120: 168a |
Jalil AR, Hayes BH, Andrechak JC, et al. (2020) Multivalent, Soluble Nano-Self Peptides Increase Phagocytosis of Antibody-Opsonized Targets while Suppressing "Self" Signaling. Acs Nano. 14: 15083-15093 |
Zhu K, Xia Y, Irianto J, et al. (2020) Live Cell Monitoring of Chromosome Loss Reporter Biophysical Journal. 118: 376a |
Pfeifer CR, Vashisth M, Xia Y, et al. (2019) Nuclear failure, DNA damage, and cell cycle disruption after migration through small pores: a brief review. Essays in Biochemistry |
Xia Y, Pfeifer CR, Zhu K, et al. (2019) Rescue of DNA damage after constricted migration reveals a mechano-regulated threshold for cell cycle. The Journal of Cell Biology |
Smith LR, Irianto J, Xia Y, et al. (2019) Constricted migration modulates stem cell differentiation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE19020090 |
Cho S, Vashisth M, Abbas A, et al. (2019) Mechanosensing by the Lamina Protects against Nuclear Rupture, DNA Damage, and Cell-Cycle Arrest. Developmental Cell |