Martin Kenward

2007-2009 Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
"Martin Kenward"
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Kenward M, Dorfman K. (2011) Correction Biophysical Journal. 101: 517
Kenward M, Dorfman KD. (2009) Coarse-grained Brownian dynamics simulations of the 10-23 DNAzyme Biophysical Journal. 97: 2785-2793
Cho J, Kenward M, Dorfman KD. (2009) A boundary element method/Brownian dynamics approach for simulating DNA electrophoresis in electrically insulating microfabricated devices Electrophoresis. 30: 1482-1489
Kenward M, Dorfman KD. (2009) Brownian dynamics simulations of single-stranded DNA hairpins Journal of Chemical Physics. 130
Allen JW, Kenward M, Dorfman KD. (2009) Coupled flow and reaction during natural convection PCR Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 6: 121-130
Laachi N, Kenward M, Yariv E, et al. (2007) Force-driven transport through periodic entropy barriers Epl. 80
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