Dinesh Jagadeesan
Affiliations: | 2017- | IIT Palakkad |
Efficient heterogeneous catalysisWebsite:
"Dinesh Jagadeesan"Bio:
Dissertation: http://lib.jncasr.ac.in:8080/jspui/handle/10572/2882
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorMuthusamy Eswaramoorthy | grad student | 2005-2009 | JNCASR | |
(Ph.D: 'Diverse applications of glucose derived functionalized carbon nanostructures') | ||||
Eugenia Kumacheva | post-doc | 2009-2011 | University of Toronto |
Sign in to add traineeM. Roshni | grad student | 2020- | IIT Palakkad |
Isha Goyal | grad student | 2021- | IIT Palakkad |
Ankitha Menon | grad student | 2022- | IIT Palakkad |
Deepraj Pandit | grad student | 2022- | IIT Palakkad |
Dnyanesh Vernekar | grad student | 2021 | IIT Palakkad |
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Srinivasan V, Vernekar DV, Jaiswal G, et al. (2016) Earth Abundant Iron-rich N-doped Graphene Based Spacer and Cavity Materials for Surface Plasmon-Coupled Emission Enhancements. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces |
Selvi RB, Chatterjee S, Jagadeesan D, et al. (2012) ATP driven clathrin dependent entry of carbon nanospheres prefer cells with glucose receptors. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 10: 35 |
Li W, Liu K, Simms R, et al. (2012) Microfluidic study of fast gas-liquid reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134: 3127-32 |
Jagadeesan D, Nasimova I, Gourevich I, et al. (2011) Microgels for the encapsulation and stimulus-responsive release of molecules with distinct polarities. Macromolecular Bioscience. 11: 889-96 |
Datta KK, Jagadeesan D, Kulkarni C, et al. (2011) Observation of pore-switching behavior in porous layered carbon through a mesoscale order-disorder transformation. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 50: 3929-33 |
Park JI, Jagadeesan D, Williams R, et al. (2010) Microbubbles loaded with nanoparticles: a route to multiple imaging modalities. Acs Nano. 4: 6579-86 |
Chaturbedy P, Jagadeesan D, Eswaramoorthy M. (2010) pH-Sensitive breathing of clay within the polyelectrolyte matrix. Acs Nano. 4: 5921-9 |
Jagadeesan D, Eswaramoorthy M. (2010) Functionalized carbon nanomaterials derived from carbohydrates. Chemistry, An Asian Journal. 5: 232-43 |
Jagadeesan D, Eswaramoorthy M, Rao CN. (2009) Investigations of the conversion of inorganic carbonates to methane. Chemsuschem. 2: 878-82 |
Jagadeesan D, Mansoori U, Mandal P, et al. (2008) Hollow spheres to nanocups: tuning the morphology and magnetic properties of single-crystalline alpha-Fe2O3 nanostructures. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 47: 7685-8 |