Thomas Seery, Ph.D.

Chemistry University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
"Thomas Seery"
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Penaloza DP, Seery TAP. (2020) Utilizing exfoliated clay–poly(norbornene) nanocomposite prepared by metal-mediated surface-initiated polymerization as model end-tethered polymers on an organoclay substrate Journal of Applied Physics. 127: 164702
Penaloza DP, Seery TAP. (2019) Preparation and characterization of clay-polymer nanocomposite having covalently-bound poly (norbornenes) with pendant cholesterols Materials Research. 22: e20180192
Penaloza DP, Sandberg DJ, Giotto MV, et al. (2015) An exfoliated clay-poly(norbornene) nanocomposite prepared by metal-mediated surface-initiated polymerization Polymer Engineering and Science
Yavuz MS, Jensen GC, Penaloza DP, et al. (2009) Gold nanoparticles with externally controlled, reversible shifts of local surface plasmon resonance bands. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 25: 13120-4
Costanzo PJ, Patten TE, Seery TA. (2006) Nanoparticle agglutination: acceleration of aggregation rates and broadening of the analyte concentration range using mixtures of various-sized nanoparticles. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids. 22: 2788-94
Costanzo PJ, Patten TE, Seery TAP. (2006) Nanoparticle agglutination: Acceleration of aggregation rates and broadening of the analyte concentration range using mixtures of various-sized nanoparticles Langmuir. 22: 2788-2794
Jordi MA, Seery TA. (2005) Quantitative determination of the chemical composition of silica-poly(norbornene) nanocomposites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 4416-22
Jordi MA, Seery TAP. (2005) Quantitative determination of the chemical composition of silica-poly(norbornene) nanocomposites Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 4416-4422
Costanzo PJ, Patten TE, Seery TAP. (2004) Protein-Ligand Mediated Aggregation of Nanoparticles: A Study of Synthesis and Assembly Mechanism Chemistry of Materials. 16: 1775-1785
Sehgal A, Seery TAP. (2003) Polyelectrolyte self-diffusion: Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching of sodium poly(styrenesulfonate) in N-methylformamide Macromolecules. 36: 10056-10062
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