Andrew M Zeidell

2015-2020 Physics Wake Forest University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 
 2021- American Institute of Physics 
Organic Electronics
"Andrew Zeidell"
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Zeidell AM, Ren T, Filston DS, et al. (2020) Organic Field-Effect Transistors as Flexible, Tissue-Equivalent Radiation Dosimeters in Medical Applications. Advanced Science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). 7: 2001522
Ward JW, Smith H, Zeidell A, et al. (2017) Solution-Processed Organic and Halide Perovskite Transistors on Hydrophobic Surfaces. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Marshall JL, Uchida K, Frederickson CK, et al. (2016) Indacenodibenzothiophenes: synthesis, optoelectronic properties and materials applications of molecules with strong antiaromatic character. Chemical Science. 7: 5547-5558
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