Eric S Cueny

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
Organometallic Chemistry
"Eric Cueny"
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Jeremy J. Kodanko research assistant 2010-2012 Wayne State
Clark R. Landis grad student 2014-2019 UW Madison
Karen I. Goldberg post-doc 2019-2022 Penn
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Cueny ES, Johnson HC, Anding BJ, et al. (2017) Mechanistic studies of hafnium-pyridyl amido catalyzed 1-octene polymerization and chain transfer using quench labeling methods. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Respondek T, Sharma R, Herroon MK, et al. (2014) Inhibition of cathepsin activity in a cell-based assay by a light-activated ruthenium compound. Chemmedchem. 9: 1306-15
Respondek T, Cueny E, Kodanko JJ. (2012) Cumyl ester as the C-terminal protecting group in the enantioselective alkylation of glycine benzophenone imine. Organic Letters. 14: 150-3
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