Shian-Chee Wu

Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering National Taiwan Univeersity, Taipei, Taipei City, Taiwan 
"Shian-Chee Wu"
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Tso CP, Zhung CM, Shih YH, et al. (2010) Stability of metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions. Water Science and Technology : a Journal of the International Association On Water Pollution Research. 61: 127-33
Doong RA, Lee SH, Lee CC, et al. (2008) Characterization and composition of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in water and estuarine sediments from Gao-ping River, Taiwan. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 57: 846-57
Fu CT, Wu SC. (2006) Seasonal variation of the distribution of PCBs in sediments and biota in a PCB-contaminated estuary Chemosphere. 62: 1786-1794
Fu CT, Wu SC. (2005) Bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls in mullet fish in a former ship dismantling harbour, a contaminated estuary, and nearby coastal fish farms Marine Pollution Bulletin. 51: 932-939
Doong RA, Sun YC, Liao PL, et al. (2002) Distribution and fate of organochlorine pesticide residues in sediments from the selected rivers in Taiwan. Chemosphere. 48: 237-46
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