Kajsa Larsson

2012-2018 Dep. of Physics University of Lund, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden 
"Kajsa Larsson"
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Larsson K, Aldén M, Bood J. (2017) Simultaneous Visualization of Hydrogen Peroxide and Water Concentrations Using Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence. Applied Spectroscopy. 3702817702386
Larsson K, Hot D, Ehn A, et al. (2017) Quantitative Imaging of Ozone Vapor Using Photofragmentation Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). Applied Spectroscopy. 3702817691528
Larsson K, Jonsson M, Borggren J, et al. (2015) Single-shot photofragment imaging by structured illumination. Optics Letters. 40: 5019-22
Larsson K, Johansson O, Aldén M, et al. (2014) Simultaneous visualization of water and hydrogen peroxide vapor using two-photon laser-induced fluorescence and photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence. Applied Spectroscopy. 68: 1333-41
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