Dieter Oelkrug

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Dieter Oelkrug"
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Boldrini B, Ostertag E, Rebner K, et al. (2021) Exploring the hidden depth by confocal Raman experiments with variable objective aperture and magnification. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 413: 7093-7106
Ostertag E, Scholz M, Klein J, et al. (2019) Pigmentation of White, Brown, and Green Chicken Eggshells Analyzed by Reflectance, Transmittance, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Chemistryopen. 8: 1084-1093
Albert K, Lacker T, Raitza M, et al. (2019) Investigating the Selectivity of Triacontyl Interphases. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 37: 777-780
Oelkrug D, Boldrini B, Rebner K. (2016) Comparative Raman study of transparent and turbid materials: models and experiments in the remote sensing mode. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 409: 673-681
Oelkrug D, Brun M, Hubner P, et al. (2013) Penetration of light into multiple scattering media: model calculations and reflectance experiments. Part II: The radial transfer. Applied Spectroscopy. 67: 385-95
Oelkrug D, Ostertag E, Kessler RW. (2013) Quantitative Raman spectroscopy in turbid matter: reflection or transmission mode? Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 405: 3367-79
Oelkrug D, Brun M, Rebner K, et al. (2012) Penetration of light into multiple scattering media: model calculations and reflectance experiments. Part I: the axial transfer. Applied Spectroscopy. 66: 934-43
Rebner K, Schmitz M, Boldrini B, et al. (2010) Dark-field scattering microscopy for spectral characterization of polystyrene aggregates. Optics Express. 18: 3116-27
Kessler W, Oelkrug D, Kessler R. (2009) Using scattering and absorption spectra as MCR-hard model constraints for diffuse reflectance measurements of tablets. Analytica Chimica Acta. 642: 127-34
Sancho-García JC, Brédas JL, Beljonne D, et al. (2005) Design of pi-conjugated organic materials for one-dimensional energy transport in nanochannels. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 109: 4872-80
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