Matthew S. Johnson

2022 Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2022- Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore CA 
"Matthew Johnson"
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Pang HW, Dong X, Johnson MS, et al. (2024) Subgraph Isomorphic Decision Tree to Predict Radical Thermochemistry with Bounded Uncertainty Estimation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Johnson MS, Gierada M, Hermes ED, et al. (2023) Pynta─An Automated Workflow for Calculation of Surface and Gas-Surface Kinetics. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Johnson MS, Dong X, Grinberg Dana A, et al. (2022) RMG Database for Chemical Property Prediction. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Johnson MS, Green WH. (2022) Examining the accuracy of methods for obtaining pressure dependent rate coefficients. Faraday Discussions
Liu M, Grinberg Dana A, Johnson MS, et al. (2021) Reaction Mechanism Generator v3.0: Advances in Automatic Mechanism Generation. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
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