Karina Kinuyo Nakashima

University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands 
"Karina Nakashima"
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Abbas M, Lipiński WP, Nakashima KK, et al. (2021) A short peptide synthon for liquid-liquid phase separation. Nature Chemistry
Nakashima KK, van Haren MHI, André AAM, et al. (2021) Active coacervate droplets are protocells that grow and resist Ostwald ripening. Nature Communications. 12: 3819
Lu T, Nakashima KK, Spruijt E. (2021) Temperature-Responsive Peptide-Nucleotide Coacervates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Nakashima KK, André AAM, Spruijt E. (2021) Enzymatic control over coacervation. Methods in Enzymology. 646: 353-389
Nakashima KK, Bastos EL. (2019) Rationale on the High Radical Scavenging Capacity of Betalains. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland). 8
Nakashima KK, Vibhute MA, Spruijt E. (2019) Biomolecular Chemistry in Liquid Phase Separated Compartments. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 6: 21
Nakashima KK, Baaij JF, Spruijt E. (2018) Reversible generation of coacervate droplets in an enzymatic network. Soft Matter. 14: 361-367
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