Alan L. Graham
Affiliations: | Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States |
Rheology, Suspensions, NetworksGoogle:
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Nguyen HT, Graham AL, Koenig PH, et al. (2019) Computer simulations of colloidal gels: how hindered particle rotation affects structure and rheology. Soft Matter |
Ingber MS, Graham AL, Mondy LA, et al. (2009) An improved constitutive model for concentrated suspensions accounting for shear-induced particle migration rate dependence on particle radius International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 35: 270-276 |
Heath CE, Feng S, Day JP, et al. (2008) Near-contact interactions between a sphere and a plane. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 77: 026307 |
Reardon PT, Feng S, Graham AL, et al. (2008) Shear-thinning of polydisperse suspensions Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41 |
Ingber MS, Feng S, Graham AL, et al. (2008) The analysis of self-diffusion and migration of rough spheres in nonlinear shear flow using a traction-corrected boundary element method Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 598: 267-292 |
Mondy LA, Retallack C, Thompson K, et al. (2008) On bubbles rising through suspensions of solid particles Aiche Journal. 54: 862-871 |
Popova M, Vorobieff P, Ingber MS, et al. (2007) Interaction of two particles in a shear flow. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 75: 066309 |
Reardon PT, Graham AL, Feng S, et al. (2007) Non-Newtonian end effects in falling ball viscometry of concentrated suspensions Rheologica Acta. 46: 413-424 |
Ingber MS, Mammoli AA, Vorobieff P, et al. (2006) Experimental and numerical analysis of irreversibilities among particles suspended in a Couette device Journal of Rheology. 50: 99-114 |
Feng S, Graham AL, Abbott JR, et al. (2006) Antisymmetric stresses in suspensions: Vortex viscosity and energy dissipation Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 563: 97-122 |