David M. Eckmann, Ph.D., M.D.

Anesthesiology & Critical Care University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
"David Eckmann"
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James B. Grotberg grad student 1989 Northwestern
 (Oscillatory flow in curved and straight tubes)


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Daniel P. Cavanagh grad student 1996 Northwestern
Annette B. Branger grad student 1997 Northwestern (BME Tree)
Joshua W. Lampe grad student 2007 Penn
Judith Kandel grad student 2016 Penn
Hyun-Su Lee post-doc Penn
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Farokhirad S, Kandy SK, Tsourkas A, et al. (2021) Biophysical Considerations in the Rational Design and Cellular Targeting of Flexible Polymeric Nanoparticles. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 8
Radhakrishnan R, Farokhirad S, Eckmann DM, et al. (2019) Nanoparticle transport phenomena in confined flows. Advances in Heat Transfer. 51: 55-129
Myerson JW, McPherson O, DeFrates KG, et al. (2019) Cross-linker-Modulated Nanogel Flexibility Correlates with Tunable Targeting to a Sterically Impeded Endothelial Marker. Acs Nano
Farokhirad S, Ramakrishnan N, Eckmann DM, et al. (2019) Nanofluid Dynamics of Flexible Polymeric Nanoparticles Under Wall Confinement. Journal of Heat Transfer. 141: 0524011-524016
Farokhirad S, Ranganathan A, Myerson J, et al. (2019) Stiffness can mediate balance between hydrodynamic forces and avidity to impact the targeting of flexible polymeric nanoparticles in flow. Nanoscale
Jabeen Z, Yu HY, Eckmann DM, et al. (2018) Rheology of colloidal suspensions in confined flow: Treatment of hydrodynamic interactions in particle-based simulations inspired by dynamical density functional theory. Physical Review. E. 98
Myerson JW, Braender B, Mcpherson O, et al. (2018) Flexible Nanoparticles Reach Sterically Obscured Endothelial Targets Inaccessible to Rigid Nanoparticles. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). e1802373
Barel O, Malicdan M, Ben-Zeev B, et al. (2018) Corrigendum: Deleterious variants in TRAK1 disrupt mitochondrial movement and cause fatal encephalopathy Brain
Natesan R, Sreeja KK, Roychoudhuri A, et al. (2017) Excess area dependent scaling behavior of nano-sized membrane tethers. Physical Biology
Ramakrishnan N, Wang Y, Eckmann DM, et al. (2017) Motion of a nano-spheroid in a cylindrical vessel flow: Brownian and hydrodynamic interactions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 821: 117-152
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