Erin Q. Jennings

2019-2023 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, United States 
"Erin Jennings"
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McGinnis CD, Jennings EQ, Harris PS, et al. (2022) Biochemical Mechanisms of Sirtuin-Directed Protein Acylation in Hepatic Pathologies of Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Cells. 11
Ray DM, Jennings EQ, Maksimovic I, et al. (2022) Chemical Labeling and Enrichment of Histone Glyoxal Adducts. Acs Chemical Biology
Jennings EQ, Fritz KS, Galligan JJ. (2021) Biochemical genesis of enzymatic and non-enzymatic post-translational modifications. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 101053
Miller SR, Jilek JL, McGrath ME, et al. (2021) Testicular disposition of clofarabine in rats is dependent on equilibrative nucleoside transporters. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives. 9: e00831
Jennings EQ, Ray JD, Zerio CJ, et al. (2021) Sirtuin 2 Regulates Protein LactoylLys Modifications. Chembiochem : a European Journal of Chemical Biology
Marentette JO, Anderson CC, Prutton KM, et al. (2021) Trisomy 21 impairs PGE2 production in dermal fibroblasts. Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators. 153: 106524
Miller SR, Zhang X, Hau RK, et al. (2020) Predicting Drug Interactions with Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporters 1 and 2 Using Functional Knockout Cell Lines and Bayesian Modeling. Molecular Pharmacology
Perer J, Jandova J, Fimbres J, et al. (2020) The sunless tanning agent dihydroxyacetone induces stress response gene expression and signaling in cultured human keratinocytes and reconstructed epidermis. Redox Biology. 36: 101594
Gaffney DO, Jennings EQ, Anderson CC, et al. (2019) Non-enzymatic Lysine Lactoylation of Glycolytic Enzymes. Cell Chemical Biology
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