Kathryn J. Grive, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry | Brown University, Providence, RI |
Developmental Biology, Reproductive MedicineGoogle:
"Kathryn Grive"Mean distance: (not calculated yet) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: DevTree
Sign in to add mentorDavid A. Knecht | research assistant | 2007-2009 | University of Connecticut (Cell Biology Tree) |
Barbara G. Mellone | research assistant | 2009-2010 | University of Connecticut (FlyTree) |
Richard N. Freiman | grad student | 2010-2015 | Brown |
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Ozcan MCH, Cruz L, Woodman MF, et al. (2023) Fetal Ovarian Reserve: the Dynamic Changes in Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1. Reproductive Sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.) |
Woodman MF, Ozcan MCH, Gura MA, et al. (2022) The Requirement of Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) in Mouse Ovarian Development and Fertility †. Biology of Reproduction |
Pereira C, Arroyo-Martinez GA, Guo MZ, et al. (2022) Multiple 9-1-1 complexes promote homolog synapsis, DSB repair, and ATR signaling during mammalian meiosis. Elife. 11 |
Grive KJ. (2020) Pathways coordinating oocyte attrition and abundance during mammalian ovarian reserve establishment. Molecular Reproduction and Development |
Grive KJ, Hu Y, Shu E, et al. (2019) Dynamic transcriptome profiles within spermatogonial and spermatocyte populations during postnatal testis maturation revealed by single-cell sequencing. Plos Genetics. 15: e1007810 |
Grive KJ, Gustafson EA, Seymour KA, et al. (2016) TAF4b Regulates Oocyte-Specific Genes Essential for Meiosis. Plos Genetics. 12: e1006128 |
Grive KJ, Freiman RN. (2015) The developmental origins of the mammalian ovarian reserve. Development (Cambridge, England). 142: 2554-63 |
Grive KJ, Freiman RN. (2015) The developmental origins of the mammalian ovarian reserve Development (Cambridge). 142: 2554-2563 |
Grive KJ, Seymour KA, Mehta R, et al. (2014) TAF4b promotes mouse primordial follicle assembly and oocyte survival Developmental Biology. 392: 42-51 |
Wardell JR, Grive KJ, Hodgkinson KM, et al. (2013) Abstract A81: Estrogen-responsiveness of the TFIID subunit TAF4B and its potential function in ovarian cancer, epigenetic regulation and meiotic DNA repair Clinical Cancer Research. 19 |