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Nathan T. Jui, Ph.D.

Chemistry Emory University, Atlanta, GA 
"Nathan Jui"
Mean distance: 7.11


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Tomislav Rovis research assistant 2003-2005 Colorado State
David W.C. MacMillan grad student 2005-2011 Princeton
 (Enantioselective SOMO Catalysis Using Simple Olefins.)
Stephen L. Buchwald post-doc 2011-2014 MIT


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Timothy J Chavez research assistant 2019-2019 Emory
Cameron Pratt grad student
Mark C. Maust grad student 2020- Emory
Cecelia M. Hendy grad student 2018-2023 Emory
BETA: Related publications


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Hendy CM, Pratt CJ, Jui NT, et al. (2023) Defluoroalkylation of Trifluoromethylarenes with Hydrazones: Rapid Access to Benzylic Difluoroarylethylamines. Organic Letters. 25: 1397-1402
Maust MC, Hendy CM, Jui NT, et al. (2022) Switchable Regioselective 6- or 5- Radical Cyclization via Photoredox Catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society
McDaniel KA, Blood AR, Smith GC, et al. (2021) Dearomatization of Unactivated Arenes via Catalytic Hydroalkylation. Acs Catalysis. 11: 4968-4972
Spurlin RM, Harris AL, Pratt CJ, et al. (2021) Synthesis of Spirocyclic Piperidines by Radical Hydroarylation. Synlett : Accounts and Rapid Communications in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. 32: 211-214
McDaniel KA, Jui NT. (2021) Dearomatization through Photoredox Hydroarylation: Discovery of a Radical-Polar Crossover Strategy. Organic Letters. 23: 5576-5580
McDaniel KA, Jui NT. (2021) Dearomatization through Photoredox Hydroarylation: Discovery of a Radical-Polar Crossover Strategy. Organic Letters. 23: 5576-5580
Hendy CM, Smith GC, Xu Z, et al. (2021) Radical Chain Reduction via Carbon Dioxide Radical Anion (CO). Journal of the American Chemical Society
Flynn AR, McDaniel K, Hughes M, et al. (2020) Hydroarylation of Arenes via Reductive Radical-Polar Crossover. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Pratt CJ, Aycock RA, King MD, et al. (2020) Radical α-C-H Cyclobutylation of Aniline Derivatives. Synlett : Accounts and Rapid Communications in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. 31: 51-54
Seath CP, Jui NT. (2019) Intermolecular Reactions of Pyridyl Radicals with Olefins via Photoredox Catalysis. Synlett : Accounts and Rapid Communications in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. 30: 1607-1614
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