Dmitry Khoptyar

Lund University, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden 
 2005-2006 Eberhard Karl University Tübingen, Germany 
"Dmitry Khoptyar"
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Chizhik AI, Chizhik AM, Khoptyar D, et al. (2011) Probing the radiative transition of single molecules with a tunable microresonator. Nano Letters. 11: 1700-3
Chizhik AI, Chizhik AM, Khoptyar D, et al. (2011) Excitation isotropy of single CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals. Nano Letters. 11: 1131-5
Gutbrod R, Khoptyar D, Steiner M, et al. (2010) Three-dimensional orientation of single molecules in a tunable optical lambda/2 microresonator. Nano Letters. 10: 504-8
Chizhik A, Schleifenbaum F, Gutbrod R, et al. (2009) Tuning the fluorescence emission spectra of a single molecule with a variable optical subwavelength metal microcavity. Physical Review Letters. 102: 073002
Gutbrod R, Chizhik A, Chizhik A, et al. (2009) Longitudinal localization of a fluorescent bead in a tunable microcavity with an accuracy of lambda/60. Optics Letters. 34: 629-31
Khoptyar D, Gutbrod R, Chizhik A, et al. (2008) Tight focusing of laser beams in a lambda/2-microcavity. Optics Express. 16: 9907-17
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