Augustine Oliver Allen
Affiliations: | Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United States |
Radiation chemistryWebsite:
"Augustine Oliver Allen"Bio:
(1910 - 1988)
Mean distance: 9.37 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorOscar Knefler Rice | grad student | 1938 | Harvard | |
(I: The explosion of azomethane. Part II: On chain reactions involving free methyl radicals.) |
Sign in to add traineeAndries Hummel | grad student | 1961-1965 | Brookhaven National Lab (Physics Tree) |
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Bielski BHJ, Allen AO, Schwarz HA. (1981) Mechanism of the disproportionation of ascorbate radicals Journal of the American Chemical Society. 103: 3516-3518 |
Cipollini NE, Allen AO. (1977) Electron mobilities in liquid tetramethylsilane at temperatures up to the critical point The Journal of Chemical Physics. 67: 131-133 |
Bielski BHJ, Allen AO. (1977) Radiation chemistry of aqueous cyanide ion Journal of the American Chemical Society. 99: 5931-5934 |
Allen AO, Haas MPd, Hummel A. (1976) Measurement of ionic mobilities in dielectric liquids by means of concentric cylindrical electrodes Journal of Chemical Physics. 64: 2587-2592 |
Allen AO. (1976) YIELDS OF FREE IONS FORMED IN LIQUIDS BY RADIATION. Natl Bur Stand Natl Stand Ref Data Ser |
Allen AO, Holroyd RA. (1974) Chemical reaction rates of quasi free electrons in nonpolar liquids Journal of Physical Chemistry. 78: 796-803 |
Schmidt WF, Allen AO. (1970) Free-ion yields in sundry irradiated liquids The Journal of Chemical Physics. 52: 2345-2351 |
Capellos C, Allen AO. (1970) Ionization of liquids by radiation studied by the method of pulse radiolysis. III. Solutions of galvinoxyl radical Journal of Physical Chemistry. 74: 840-845 |
Capellos C, Allen AO. (1969) Ionization of liquids by radiation studied by the method of pulse radiolysis. II. Solutions of triphenylmethyl chloride Journal of Physical Chemistry. 73: 3264-3268 |
Schmidt WF, Allen AO. (1968) Ionization of liquids by radiation: measurement by a clearing field. Science (New York, N.Y.). 160: 301-2 |