Ronald Ulbricht

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research 
"Ronald Ulbricht"
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Mischa Bonn grad student 2012 FOM Institute AMOLF
Markus B. Raschke post-doc 2016 CU Boulder (Physics Tree)
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Purz TL, Hipsley BT, Martin EW, et al. (2022) Rapid multiplex ultrafast nonlinear microscopy for material characterization. Optics Express. 30: 45008-45019
Smallwood CL, Ulbricht R, Day MW, et al. (2021) Hidden Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond. Physical Review Letters. 126: 213601
Kravtsov V, AlMutairi S, Ulbricht R, et al. (2018) Enhanced Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity Driven by Surface-Plasmon Field Gradients. Physical Review Letters. 120: 203903
Imade Y, Ulbricht R, Tomoda M, et al. (2017) Gigahertz optomechanical modulation by split-ring-resonator nanophotonic meta-atom arrays. Nano Letters
Kravtsov V, Ulbricht R, Atkin JM, et al. (2016) Plasmonic nanofocused four-wave mixing for femtosecond near-field imaging. Nature Nanotechnology
Jensen SA, Ulbricht R, Narita A, et al. (2013) Ultrafast photoconductivity of graphene nanoribbons and carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters. 13: 5925-30
Ulbricht R, Pijpers JJ, Groeneveld E, et al. (2012) Loosening quantum confinement: observation of real conductivity caused by hole polarons in semiconductor nanocrystals smaller than the Bohr radius. Nano Letters. 12: 4937-42
Ulbricht R, Kurstjens R, Bonn M. (2012) Assessing charge carrier trapping in silicon nanowires using picosecond conductivity measurements. Nano Letters. 12: 3821-7
Berrier A, Albella P, Poyli MA, et al. (2012) Detection of deep-subwavelength dielectric layers at terahertz frequencies using semiconductor plasmonic resonators. Optics Express. 20: 5052-60
Berrier A, Ulbricht R, Bonn M, et al. (2010) Ultrafast active control of localized surface plasmon resonances in silicon bowtie antennas. Optics Express. 18: 23226-35
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