Alexander Wlodawer
Affiliations: | Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory | National Cancer Institute - Frederick |
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Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Rubach P, et al. (2024) Waterless structures in the Protein Data Bank. Iucrj. 11: 966-976 |
Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Lubkowski J, et al. (2024) Towards a dependable data set of structures for L-asparaginase research. Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology. 80: 506-527 |
Jaskolski M, Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, et al. (2022) Group depositions to the Protein Data Bank need adequate presentation and different archiving protocol. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society |
Li M, Srp J, Mareš M, et al. (2021) Structural studies of complexes of kallikrein 4 with wild-type and mutated forms of the Kunitz-type inhibitor BbKI. Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology. 77: 1084-1098 |
Grabowski M, Macnar JM, Cymborowski M, et al. (2021) Rapid response to emerging biomedical challenges and threats. Iucrj. 8: 395-407 |
Jaskolski M, Dauter Z, Shabalin IG, et al. (2021) Crystallographic models of SARS-CoV-2 3CL: in-depth assessment of structure quality and validation. Iucrj. 8: 238-256 |
Jaskolski M, Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, et al. (2021) Celebrating the 75th birthday of Professor Wladek Minor, one of the most accomplished Polish-American structural biologists. Acta Biochimica Polonica. 68: 1-4 |
Brzezinski D, Kowiel M, Cooper DR, et al. (2020) A web resource for SARS-CoV-2-related structural models. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society |
Wlodawer A, Dauter Z, Shabalin I, et al. (2020) Ligand-centered assessment of SARS-CoV-2 drug target models in the Protein Data Bank. The Febs Journal |
Botos I, Lountos GT, Wu W, et al. (2019) Cryo-EM structure of substrate-free Lon protease provides insights into the dynamics of Lon machinery. Current Research in Structural Biology. 1: 13-20 |