Cary Kai-Kwang Lai

2003 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Cary Lai"
Mean distance: 9.43


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James M. Berger grad student 2003 UC Berkeley
 (Roles and mechanism of the telomerase catalytic components.)
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O'Connor CM, Lai CK, Collins K. (2005) Two purified domains of telomerase reverse transcriptase reconstitute sequence-specific interactions with RNA. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 17533-9
Lai CK, Miller MC, Collins K. (2003) Roles for RNA in telomerase nucleotide and repeat addition processivity. Molecular Cell. 11: 1673-83
Lai CK, Miller MC, Collins K. (2002) Template boundary definition in Tetrahymena telomerase. Genes & Development. 16: 415-20
Lai CK, Mitchell JR, Collins K. (2001) RNA binding domain of telomerase reverse transcriptase Molecular and Cellular Biology. 21: 990-1000
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