Wendell Forst
Affiliations: | 1955 | McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada |
"Wendell Forst"Mean distance: 8.94 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Caralp F, Forst W. (2003) Chemical activation in unimolecular reactions of some unsubstituted alkoxy radicals Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 5: 4653-4655 |
Evleth EM, Melius CF, Rayez MT, et al. (1993) Theoretical characterization of the reaction of HO2 with formaldehyde Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97: 5040-5045 |
Caralp F, Lesclaux R, Rayez MT, et al. (1988) Kinetics of the combination reactions of chlorofluoromethylperoxy radicals with NO2 in the temperature range 233-373 K Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics. 84: 569-585 |
Forst W. (1983) Tunneling in thermal unimolecular reactions. Formaldehyde Journal of Physical Chemistry. 87: 4489-4494 |
Forst W. (1961) Kinetics and Mechanism. A Study of Homogeneous Chemical Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 83: 4870-4870 |
Forst W, Evans HGV, Winkler CA. (1957) The kinetics of nitrogen atom reactions accompanied by catalyzed recombination of atoms Journal of Physical Chemistry. 61: 320-325 |
Forst W, Winkler CA. (1956) Reaction of active nitrogen with methyl cyanide Journal of Physical Chemistry. 60: 1424-1427 |
Forst W, Winkler CA. (1955) THE REACTION OF HYDROGEN ATOMS WITH METHYL CYANIDE Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 33: 1814-1818 |