Asghar Aryanfar, PhD

California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"Asghar Aryanfar"
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Aryanfar A, Dhara T, DasGupta S, et al. (2024) A dynamically equivalent atomistic electrochemical paradigm for the larger-scale experiments. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 161
Aryanfar A, Tayyar A, Goddard WA. (2023) Dendritic propagation on circular electrodes: The impact of curvature on the packing density. Physical Review. E. 108: 014801
Aryanfar A, Ghamlouche Y, Goddard WA. (2021) Real-time control of dendritic propagation in rechargeable batteries using adaptive pulse relaxation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 154: 194702
Aryanfar A, Hoffmann MR, Goddard WA. (2019) Finite-pulse waves for efficient suppression of evolving mesoscale dendrites in rechargeable batteries. Physical Review. E. 100: 042801
Aryanfar A, III WG, Marian J. (2019) Constriction percolation model for coupled diffusion-reaction corrosion of zirconium in PWR Corrosion Science. 158: 108058
Aryanfar A, Brooks DJ, Goddard WA. (2018) Theoretical pulse charge for the optimal inhibition of growing dendrites Mrs Advances. 3: 1201-1207
Reyes M, Aryanfar A, Baek SW, et al. (2018) Multilayer interface tracking model of zirconium clad oxidation Journal of Nuclear Materials. 509: 550-565
Aryanfar A, Cheng T, Goddard WA. (2017) Bulk Properties of Amorphous Lithium Dendrites Ecs Transactions. 80: 365-370
Xu C, Ahmad Z, Aryanfar A, et al. (2016) Enhanced strength and temperature dependence of mechanical properties of Li at small scales and its implications for Li metal anodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Kasmaee LM, Aryanfar A, Chikneyan Z, et al. (2016) Lithium batteries: Improving solid-electrolyte interphases via underpotential solvent electropolymerization. Chemical Physics Letters. 661: 65-69
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