Mary Beth Bean
Affiliations: | 1983 | Chemistry | University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States |
"Mary Beth Bean"Mean distance: 8.15 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarold Kohn | grad student | 1983 | University of Houston | |
(Mechanistic and synthetic studies of the reactions of mitomycin c with ambident nucleophiles) |
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Bean M, Kohn H. (1985) Studies on the reaction of mitomycin C with potassium thiobenzoate under reductive conditions The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 50: 293-298 |
Bean M, Kohn H. (1985) Studies on the reaction of mitomycin C with potassium thiobenzoate under reductive conditions Journal of Organic Chemistry. 50: 293-298 |
Bean M, Kohn H. (1983) Studies on the reaction of mitomycin C with potassium ethyl monothiocarbonate under reductive conditions The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 48: 5033-5041 |
Bean M, Kohn H. (1983) Studies on the reaction of mitomycin C with potassium ethyl monothiocarbonate under reductive conditions Journal of Organic Chemistry. 48: 5033-5041 |
Kohn H, Bean MB, von Rohrscheidt C, et al. (1981) Participation in the formation of iodo ureas from 3-buten-1-ol derivatives. A reinvestigation1 1 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, 1977-1981. Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Grant Recipient, 1977-1982. Tetrahedron. 37: 3195-3201 |