David B. Garcia
Affiliations: | University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. |
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Dodson RA, Jurewitz TP, Garcia DB, et al. (1984) Neuromuscular blockade of selected E,E- and Z,Z-isomeric oxime ethers of delta 4-androstene-3,17-dione dioxime as compared to D-tubocurarine and decamethonium. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society. 27: 73-6 |
Garcia DB, Brown RG, Delgado JN. (1980) Synthesis, stereochemical analysis, and neuromuscular blocking activity of selected E,E- and Z,Z-isomeric O-ethers of 4-androstene-3,17-dione dioximes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 69: 995-9 |