People with institution matching "Eindhoven": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Yigit Altay (Info) RUG Systems Chemistry yigitaltay 2013‑12‑08
Embrecht Barendrecht (Info) VU Amsterdam, Eindhoven University of Technology Electrochemistry, fuel cells jandh 2019‑01‑31
Erik B. Berda (Info) Penn State, UF Gainesville, Eindhoven University of Technology, UNH Polymer Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Nanoscience tarselli 2015‑07‑18
Pol Besenius (Info) University of Mainz Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer and Materials Chemistry, Organic Chemistry p-besenius 2019‑03‑18
Hendrik A. Boekenoogen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology applied chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑25
Jeroen Anton van Bokhoven (Info) ETH Zürich Chemical Engineering uneuen 2012‑08‑06
Mischa Bonn (Info) FOM Institute AMOLF Biosurface spectroscopy jandh 2011‑08‑08
Christoffel J. Bouwkamp (Info) Philips Electronics, Eindhoven University of Technology antenne theory, diffraction theory, informatics jandh 2011‑06‑16
Wiebold F. Brandsma (Info) Delft, Eindhoven mechanical technology and metallurgy jandh 2011‑06‑24
Dick J. Broer (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology polymer chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑16
Hidde H. Brongersma (Info) Philips Electronics, Eindhoven Low Energy Ion Scattering david 2006‑09‑26
Luc Brunsveld (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology RGDoveston 2023‑05‑18
Henk M. Buck (Info) Leiden, Eindhoven University of Technology physical organic chemistry asifg 2006‑06‑24
Dario Cambie (Info) MPI Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam flow chemistry dcambie 2020‑11‑02
Jørn B. Christensen (Info) Copenhagen University dendrimers, medicinal chemistry, organic synthesis, sensors, molecular machines and flow chemistry jandh 2015‑03‑23
David J. Cole-Hamilton (Info) University of St Andrews Applications of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis and materials science jandh 2012‑01‑06
Carel A.M.G. Cramers (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Instrumental Analysis jandh 2012‑01‑05
Patricia Y.W. Dankers (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Biomedical materials ChemWizard 2023‑12‑18
Anindita Das (Info) Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑09
Frank Albert de Bruijn (Info) RUG, Kinkelder B.V. PVD, cutting tools jandh 2012‑01‑14
Jan Willem de Haan (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2024‑06‑06
Emile J.J.S.A.M. de Roy van Zuydewijn (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology applied chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑25
Henk G.J. de Wilt (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2012‑01‑14
Shikha Dhiman (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology connectingresearchers 2022‑09‑05
Richard Doveston (Info) University of Leicester (UK) Chemical biology RGDoveston 2023‑05‑18
Adelbert A.H. Drinkenburg (Info) RUG applied chemistry jandh 2012‑01‑12
Jan B.F.N. Engberts (Info) RUG Organic and Molecular Inorganic Chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑18
Wei Feng (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology johnwh 2020‑01‑22
Ivo Filot (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology ifilot 2020‑05‑06
Antoni Forner-Cuenca (Info) MIT, Eindhoven University of Technology transport, non-porous media kripke 2019‑06‑20
E. Johan Foster (Info) University of Fribourg chweder 2020‑08‑11
Subi J. George (Info) JNCASR supramolecular chemistry s123 2018‑08‑28
Álvaro González García (Info) Utrecht Physical Chemistry, Soft Matter, Thermodynamics AlvaroGonzAlezGarcia 2020‑03‑17
Andrey Goryachev (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑11‑20
Robert Göstl (Info) HU Berlin, Eindhoven University of Technology, DWI - Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials, RWTH Aachen University, Bergische Universität Wuppertal polymer chemistry, organic chemistry r.goestl 2021‑10‑01
Gerrit C. Groenenboom (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen ameijer 2017‑05‑05
Rob Hanssen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology robhanssen 2020‑10‑04
Derk Heikens (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology, RUG jandh 2021‑11‑15
Brett A. Helms (Info) LBNL Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry jonlam 2013‑02‑19
Emiel Hensen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑03‑06
Thomas Marinus Hermans (Info) ISIS Université de Strasbourg supramolecular chemistry, non-equilibrium systems tmh 2016‑08‑22
Johan P.A. Heuts (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology polymer chemistry Hans_Heuts 2023‑04‑24
Jan Philipp Hofmann (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology, Technical University of Darmstadt surface science, spectroscopy, electrocatalysis, jphchem 2019‑03‑06
Richard Hoogenboom (Info) Ghent University ulrich_schubert 2019‑06‑20
Alessandro Ianiro (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Alessandro_Ianiro 2019‑12‑05
Hans-Gerd M. Janssen (Info) Amsterdam Biomacromolecular separations jandh 2012‑01‑05
Liesbeth M.C. Janssen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology amontoya 2020‑09‑19
René A.J. Janssen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Molecular Materials and Nanosystems jandh 2011‑08‑15
Manickam Jayakannan (Info) IISER Pune connectingresearchers 2021‑05‑28
Erwin Kessels (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology StephenEPotts 2020‑03‑03
Aloysius I.M. Keulemans (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology methods of instrumental analysis jandh 2011‑06‑24
Roxanne Kieltyka (Info) McGill tarselli 2015‑09‑06
Hendrik Kloosterziel (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden physical organic chemistry morriselee 2008‑01‑08
Laura Kollau (Info) Maastricht University Physical Chemistry, Eutectic Mixtures, Ionic Liquids LJBMKollau 2022‑01‑28
Carel Koningsberger (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology organic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑26
Diek C. Koningsberger (Info) Eindhoven, Utrecht inorganic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑26
Chidambar Kulkarni (Info) IIT Bombay connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑09
Ben F.M. Kuster (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2012‑01‑14
Jasper Landman (Info) Wageningen University & Research Physical chemistry, Food Chemistry, Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics, Physical Biology BobFzbL 2020‑12‑18
Jerome GJL Lebouille (Info) Wageningen University Physical Chemistry JerLeb 2022‑01‑27
Pieter Jan Lemstra (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology polymer chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑06
Anton Litke (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑11‑20
Guy B.M.M. Marin (Info) Ghent University Chemical reaction engineering and catalysis jandh 2012‑01‑14
Archer John Porter Martin (Info) Wool Industries Research Association, Boots Pure Drug Co., Ltd. , Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, London, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Eindhoven University of Technology, Wellcome Research Laboratories, University of Houston, EPFL Chromatography, biochemistry Vigyaanik 2021‑10‑08
Harold M. McNair (Info) Virginia Tech Analytical Chemistry pq 2016‑05‑14
Michael A.R. Meier (Info) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology dimidola 2019‑02‑05
Egbert W. Meijer (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology synthetic organic chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑06
Stefan C.J. Meskers (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology connectingresearchers 2022‑03‑26
Jeffrey Scott Moore (Info) UIUC synthesis and study of macromolecules jandh 2011‑11‑14
Matthew Neurock (Info) UVA, UMN catalysis ppBdd 2013‑06‑23
Klaas Nicolay (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Biomedical NMR pasegura 2011‑02‑18
Timothy Noël (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2015‑07‑08
Anja Palmans (Info) ETH Zürich chweder 2020‑08‑11
Jos M.J. Paulusse (Info) University of Twente drug delivery, polymer chemistry, organic chemistry wassupjos 2016‑03‑02
Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg (Info) RIVM, Leiden University Environmental toxicology jandh 2011‑08‑18
Johannes N.J. Perquin (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology applied chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑25
Evgeny A. Pidko (Info) Delft University of Technology Catalysis Epidko 2024‑03‑05
Michael Pittelkow (Info) Copenhagen University Organic chemistry Pittelkow 2015‑03‑22
Kornelis Posthumus (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2021‑12‑14
Stephen E. Potts (Info) UCL Inorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry, thin-film deposition StephenEPotts 2020‑03‑03
Stanislav Presolski (Info) Yale-NUS College Organic Chemistry david 2015‑07‑10
Gerard D. Rieck (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2011‑06‑17
Kornelis Rietema (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology applied chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑16
Pieter Ros (Info) VU Amsterdam Theoretical chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑21
Volkher Scharnhorst (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Clinical chemistry ChemWizard 2023‑12‑18
Albert P.H.J. Schenning (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Nanotechnology jandh 2011‑08‑08
Oren A. Scherman (Info) Cambridge supramolecular polymers, dynamic hydrogels, hybrid materials oscherman 2013‑12‑17
Pieter Schipper (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2021‑06‑26
Tobias Schnitzer (Info) Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg Organic Chemistry, Catalysis, Peptides Tobi90 2023‑10‑17
Ulrich Sigmar Schubert (Info) Universität Jena jandh 2014‑08‑31
George C.A. Schuit (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis jandh 2011‑06‑16
Rint P. Sijbesma (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology polymer chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑06
Frederik L.J. Sixma (Info) Amsterdam, Eindhoven University of Technology organic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑26
Serge Söntjens (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology organic chemistry ssontjens 2017‑06‑23
Giulia Spezzati (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑11‑20
Hans N. Stein (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Colloid Chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑29
Johannes M. Stevels (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology inorganic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑23
Henricus Alexis Cornelis (Hans) Thijssen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2024‑01‑22
Dirk (Dick) Thoenes (Info) University of Twente, Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2024‑01‑22
Thuat T. Trinh (Info) NTNU, Trondheim Computational Chemistry thuattrinh 2015‑04‑08
Remco Tuinier (Info) Wageningen University, Utrecht, Forschungszentrum Jülich, DSM, Utrecht, Eindhoven University of Technology physical chemistry, colloids, polymers detuinman 2016‑05‑10
Adrianus van der Avoird (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen theoretical chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑25
Hessel S. van der Baan (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons and carbohydrates jandh 2012‑01‑14
Arina Elizabeth van der Hout - Lodder (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jandh 2021‑06‑26
Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt (Info) Amsterdam, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Supramolecular & Homogeneous Catalysis jandh 2012‑01‑06
Louis Laurens van Reijen (Info) Delft University of Technology jandh 2021‑06‑28
Rutger A. van Santen (Info) Shell Labs, Eindhoven catalysis jec7 2006‑10‑01
Wim P.M. van Swaaij (Info) University of Twente applied chemistry jandh 2011‑08‑16
J. A. Rob van Veen (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Electrochemistry jandh 2012‑01‑14
Nathan Jay Van Zee (Info) ESPCI Paris, Eindhoven University of Technology, Cornell, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Catalysis, Sustainable Polymers, Supramolecular Polymers, Vitrimers GWCoates 2024‑03‑01
Jan W. Verhoeven (Info) Amsterdam organic chemistry jandh 2011‑06‑14
Henk Verweij (Info) Ohio State, University of Twente, Philips Research Laboratories Chemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry pq 2016‑05‑31
Dieter Vogt (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry jandh 2012‑01‑06
Mykhailo (Misha) Vybornyi (Info) supramolecular chemistry, DNA nanotechnology Misha 2017‑05‑03
Longfei Wu (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑11‑20
Xiaochun Zhu (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology jphchem 2019‑11‑20
Peter Zijlstra (Info) Eindhoven University of Technology connectingresearchers 2020‑08‑04
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