People with institution matching "Harvard Medical School ": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Utsarga Adhikary (Info) Harvard Cancer Biology UtsargaA 2016‑11‑02
Maaz Ahmed (Info) UW Madison m.s.a.1989 2020‑06‑23
Nurunisa Akyuz (Info) zulpop 2019‑02‑22
Mohammad Parvez Alam (Info) Arizona State Multifunctional Radical Quenchers, Natural Products, Bleomycin, Bioactive Heterocycles pq 2015‑11‑07
Faisal Aldaye (Info) McGill tarselli 2015‑09‑06
Richard W. Aldrich (Info) UT Austin Ion channels hanks 2005‑10‑13
Assaf Alon (Info) Harvard Medical School Structural Biology assafalon 2018‑02‑22
Almaris N. Alonso (Info) U Mass Amherst Microbiology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑01‑21
Frederick W. Alt (Info) Harvard DNA repair, immunology, lymphoma cristianboboila 2012‑07‑27
Diya Anand (Info) Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School xuzhou1984 2023‑01‑24
Nitya Anand (Info) Central Drug res Inst, Lucknow, India Organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry Vigyaanik 2016‑11‑19
Mark Lawrence Andermann (Info) Harvard Medical School visual system, mouse behavior andermann 2010‑04‑22
Daniel G. Anderson (Info) MIT liangguo 2012‑03‑29
Paul J. Anderson (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School pkharel 2019‑08‑26
Christian B. Anfinsen (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Protein chemistry CJM3 2009‑03‑24
Nasim Annabi (Info) Harvard Medical School Biomaterials Nasim 2014‑01‑18
Karen Marie Arndt (Info) University of Pittsburgh Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, General Biology pq 2016‑06‑24
Peter R. Arvan (Info) Harvard Medical School, Yeshiva University, University of Michigan Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑20
Christopher Ashwood (Info) Harvard Medical School - Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Glycobiology, analytical biochemistry cash 2019‑09‑09
John A. Assad (Info) Harvard Medical School attention, motivation hayden 2005‑01‑15
Paris Ataliotis (Info) St George's Hospital Medical School, University of London mmercola 2018‑01‑21
J. Thomas August (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School immunology and vaccine development jandh 2013‑11‑18
Frederick Michael Ausubel (Info) Harvard Molecular Biology jandh 2013‑07‑25
Jonathan M. Backer (Info) Yeshiva University Cell Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑04
Brian J. Bacskai (Info) MGH Alzheimer's jandh 2013‑07‑27
Hojae Bae (Info) Harvard Medical School anasa88 2018‑05‑25
John E. Baenziger (Info) University of Ottawa Biochemistry, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑05‑23
Goran Bajic (Info) Mount Sinai School of Medicine structural biology, immunology, virology bajic 2021‑11‑28
Alejandro B. Balazs (Info) Harvard Engineering Immunity pq 2015‑10‑12
yael s. balazs (Info) Harvard Medical School, Technion, Weizmann Institute, U Mass Amherst, University of California nmr ybalazs 2015‑11‑06
Emily Balskus (Info) Harvard microbial chemistry jandh 2012‑03‑02
Duhee Bang (Info) Chicago, Harvard Medical School, Yonsei University total synthesis of proteins to apply advanced physical methods to understand the chemical basis of protein function pq 2015‑11‑12
Diego Baptista (Info) Harvard University & HHMI Biophysics, NMR Spectroscopy, Membrane Proteins DiegoBaptista 2018‑10‑12
Alexander H. Barnett (Info) Harvard quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum chaos pq 2015‑11‑09
Gary J. Bassell (Info) Emory University School of Medicine mRNA transport, local protein synthesis bassell 2006‑10‑30
Sudipta Basu (Info) IISER Pune, IIT Gandhinagar connectingresearchers 2020‑12‑08
Sean A Beausoleil (Info) Bluefin Biomedicine proteomics, cell biology, bioinformatics sbeausol 2018‑04‑26
Jonathan R. Beckwith (Info) Harvard Medical School bacterial genetics jandh 2012‑06‑23
Anuj Bellare (Info) Harvard Medical School daeyeon 2015‑01‑01
Peter J. Belshaw (Info) UW Madison Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑18
Edward J. Benz (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2013‑07‑05
Katherine E. Berry (Info) Mount Holyoke, UC Berkeley david 2016‑09‑04
Stephen M. Beverley (Info) Washington University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, Harvard Medical School smcarr 2010‑08‑27
William R. Bishai (Info) Johns Hopkins molecular pathogenesis of tuberculosis jandh 2015‑10‑07
Stephen C. Blacklow (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital structure and function of cell surface receptor molecules jandh 2013‑07‑28
Paul Alan Bleicher (Info) OptumLabs Real World Evidence, Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, CD1, frog lymphocytes, skin T cells netdoc 2019‑09‑09
Elkan Rogers Blout (Info) Harvard Medical School protein chemistry jandh 2012‑11‑05
Suzanne A. Blum (Info) UC Irvine organic synthesis jandh 2012‑11‑02
Richard S. Blumberg (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2015‑12‑26
David A. Boothman (Info) Case Western Biochemistry, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑30
David Botstein (Info) MIT, Genentech, Inc., Stanford, Princeton, Calico Life Sciences, LLC Genomics RNA 2011‑12‑28
Donald P Bottaro (Info) National Cancer Institute cancer biology, cancer genetics, cell and molecular biology dbottaro 2020‑02‑10
Thomas Böttcher (Info) University of Konstanz, University of Vienna Chemical Biology, Natural Products, Enzyme Inhibitors tarselli 2015‑07‑22
Matthew W Boudreau (Info) UIUC, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School Chemistry, Cancer Biology mwboudreau 2018‑08‑07
Sybren Bouwman (Info) Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School xuzhou1984 2023‑01‑24
James Bradner (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School kentsis 2012‑03‑20
Michael B. Brenner (Info) Harvard david 2015‑11‑12
Jeremy P. Brockes (Info) UCL regeneration, stem cells M. Odurih 2012‑02‑05
Yang S. Brooks (Info) MGH/Harvard Medical School xwumgh 2016‑07‑21
Christopher Michael Browne (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Proteomics, Covalent Inhibitors, Kinases cbrowne1 2016‑07‑12
John M. Buchanan (Info) MIT protein and enzyme chemistry testtest 2009‑02‑27
Sara J. Buhrlage (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Chemical biology pq 2015‑11‑13
Martha L. Bulyk (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital transcriptional regulation jandh 2013‑07‑28
Richard R. Burgess (Info) UW Madison Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑12
Michael D. Burkart (Info) UCSD Natural product synthesis/biosynthesis, Biological chemistry and enzymology, Metabolic engineering jandh 2012‑06‑04
Li Cai (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Neural Development and Disorders carlfulp 2008‑04‑04
Quan Cai (Info) Dana Farber Cancer Institute Drug Discovery quancai7 2017‑03‑07
Bradley R. Cairns (Info) University of Utah Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑05
Christopher W. Cairo (Info) University of Alberta Biophysics, biochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, glycobiology, carbohydrate chemistry ccairo 2012‑09‑24
Walter Bradford Cannon (Info) Harvard Medical School Physiology hayden 2005‑01‑17
Lewis C. Cantley (Info) Harvard PI3K and cancer metabolism dpollard 2010‑08‑29
Harvey Cantor (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School yubinzhou 2018‑09‑05
S. Roy Caplan (Info) Weizmann Institute, NIH, Weizmann Institute, Harvard Medical School Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Molecular Machines and Oscillatory Processes warren2025 2015‑10‑08
Peter Caravan (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital ebee 2017‑06‑09
Priyadarshi Chakraborty (Info) IIT Hyderabad Bioinspired Supramolecular and Polymeric Materials Vigyaanik 2017‑02‑19
Elaina PuiYee Chan (Info) MGH/Harvard Medical School xwumgh 2016‑07‑21
Ramesh Chandra (Info) University of Delhi Pharmaceutical chemistry, biopolymers, drug discovery and development Vigyaanik 2021‑04‑19
Paul Chang (Info) MIT Poly(ADP-ribose) and PARP function jandh 2013‑11‑18
Soo-Ik Chang (Info) Chungbuk National University "Angiogenesis, Protein-protein interaction, Droplet-based microfluidics, Protein microarray" sichang 2014‑01‑26
George Chao (Info) Harvard Medical School Synthetic Biology, Protein Engineering, Genetic Programs, Genome Engineering gchao 2024‑10‑18
Baoen Chen (Info) MGH/Harvard Medical School xwumgh 2016‑07‑21
Peng Chen (Info) Cornell single-molecule microscopy jandh 2012‑07‑25
Wenqiang Chen (Info) Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, The University of Hong Kong, Harvard Medical School - Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen drug addiction, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease NeuroscienceChenWQ 2011‑05‑09
Xing CHEN (Info) Peking University Chemical Biology whbpt 2017‑01‑01
Hong Cheng (Info) Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences RNA 2012‑12‑30
Yifan Cheng (Info) UCSF dsboothacosta 2017‑10‑04
Zhen Cheng (Info) University of Missouri - Columbia Nuclear Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑01‑31
Vincent A. Chiappinelli (Info) George Washington University felixs 2006‑08‑31
Anush Chiappino-Pepe (Info) Harvard Medical School, EPFL Synthetic biology, Computational biology Anush-ChiappinoPepe 2024‑10‑18
Gus Cho (Info) Washington University School of Medicine, Univ of Illinois Thrombosis bf1966 2023‑01‑17
James J. Chou (Info) Harvard Medical School molecular mechanism of membrane channels, receptors, and transporters visquene007 2008‑09‑15
Amit Choudhary (Info) Harvard tarselli 2015‑08‑05
Ratul Chowdhury (Info) Penn State, Iowa State, Harvard Medical School, Jadavpur University dl9 2023‑02‑22
Gilbert Chu (Info) Stanford Medical School DNA repair jandh 2013‑07‑19
Yen-Ho Chu (Info) Ohio State, National Chung-Cheng University Biomolecular Recognition, Combinatorial Organic Synthesis, Ionic Liquids for Chemical and Biochemical Applications jandh 2015‑09‑07
Yen-Ho Chu (Info) National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan chem0303 2017‑10‑06
David Y. Chung (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital mschofie 2020‑10‑11
George M. Church (Info) Harvard Medical School Computational Genetics volker 2011‑09‑25
L. Stirling S. Churchman (Info) Harvard Medical School motor mechanism of RNA polymerase jandh 2013‑07‑29
Donald J. Ciappenelli (Info) Harvard Medical School medicinal chemistry ciappenelli 2014‑02‑07
David E. Clapham (Info) Harvard Medical School/HHMI Ion channels and calcium signaling nblair 2007‑07‑03
Jon C. Clardy (Info) Iowa State, Cornell, Harvard natural products jandh 2011‑11‑16
Lindsay D. Clark (Info) UT Southwestern Rwalsh 2019‑01‑14
William Clemons (Info) Caltech X-ray crystallography RNA 2011‑12‑14
Jesse C. Cochrane (Info) Yale RNA, Ribosome pq 2015‑11‑16
Carl M. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School hsze 2020‑01‑09
Jonathan B. Cohen (Info) Harvard Medical School, Washington University School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, MGH nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and GABAa receptors wellnitz 2012‑07‑05
Edwin Joseph Cohn (Info) Harvard proteins jandh 2011‑08‑31
Philip A. Cole (Info) Johns Hopkins, Rockefeller Pharmacology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑28
Sean Patrick Colgan (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Mucosa, Hypoxia, Inflammation, Neutrophil spcolgan 2023‑03‑08
R. John Collier (Info) Harvard, UCLA diphtheria toxin bkagan 2008‑09‑16
Geoffrey M. Cooper (Info) Boston University Cancer Research jandh 2013‑11‑22
Kevin Daniel Corbett (Info) UCSD david 2015‑07‑09
David P. Corey (Info) Harvard Medical School Ion channels, hair cells hanks 2005‑10‑13
Osvaldo Cori (Info) Universidad de Chile RivasPardo 2015‑02‑23
Brendan P. Cormack (Info) Johns Hopkins david 2016‑02‑06
Deirdre A. Costello (Info) Harvard Medical School plyang 2016‑05‑10
Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (Info) Chicago RNA 2012‑09‑10
Jason M. Crawford (Info) Yale Chemical Biology jandh 2013‑07‑02
Alan Culbertson (Info) Harvard Medical School OlgaZ 2020‑01‑11
Rory Curtis (Info) Elixir Pharmaceuticals GAP43, glia, ion channels, regeneration, neurotrophins, GAP-43 rory 2009‑01‑07
Paul W. Czoty (Info) Wake Forest School of Medicine behavioral pharmacology, neuroscience, substance abuse research, brain imaging pczoty 2009‑09‑08
Robert J D'Amato (Info) Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School subbu2681 2019‑01‑08
Han Dai (Info) GlaxoSmithKline daihan75 2016‑06‑07
George Q. Daley (Info) Harvard Biochemistry, Human Development, Cell Biology pq 2016‑06‑25
Saurja DasGupta (Info) Notre Dame connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑10
Nikolaos P. Daskalakis (Info) McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School Stress, PTSD, Schizophrenia Daskalakis 2010‑10‑26
Bernard D. Davis (Info) Harvard Medical School bacterial genetics RNA 2012‑10‑05
Eliezar Aryeh Dawidowicz (Info) Tufts jandh 2019‑01‑05
Johannes Fitzgerald de Boer (Info) VU Amsterdam Biophotonics & Medical Imaging jandh 2013‑08‑01
Dries JH De Clercq (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School Development of novel small-molecule kinase inhibitors Dries 2016‑07‑13
Pedro De-la-Torre (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts Eye and Ear Structural Biology, Gene Therapy, Drug Design, Computational Chemistry pldelatorrem 2023‑02‑12
Xianming DENG (Info) School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry xmdeng 2016‑07‑13
Gina M DeNicola (Info) Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute redox biology, cancer metabolism gdenicola 2020‑07‑30
Edward Alan Dennis (Info) UCSD Biochemistry: phospholipase A2, signal transduction in macrophages, lipid maps, prostaglandin regulation, mass spec of lipids and proteins jandh 2012‑06‑04
Jonathan Hancock Dennis (Info) Florida State Genome regulation jhdennis 2014‑06‑10
Melvin L. DePamphilis (Info) Harvard Medical School, Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Columbia, NICHD chemistry, bacterial structure and physiology, enzymology, DNA replication, chromatin structure, gene expression Congjun.Li 2016‑06‑01
Ronald A. DePinho (Info) University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center molecular and biological processes governing the development of cancer, the basis for aging and degenerative diseases, and the maintenance of normal and cancer stem cells. podlevsky 2009‑11‑12
Emily R. Derbyshire (Info) UC Berkeley, Harvard Medical School, Duke catalytic and biological properties of redox enzymes pq 2015‑11‑11
Ratmir Derda (Info) University of Alberta drug discovery jandh 2013‑01‑05
Ulf Dettmer (Info) Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital JessicaSFortin 2022‑07‑13
James Dewar (Info) Vanderbilt University Medical Center Johannes 2019‑02‑05
Peter Dews (Info) Harvard Medical School Behavioral pharmacology CJM3 2009‑02‑28
Abhinav Dhall (Info) University of Washington Vigyaanik 2018‑02‑17
James E DiCarlo (Info) Columbia University Medical School jdicarlo 2017‑12‑17
Howard Dintzis (Info) MIT RNA 2012‑03‑24
Frank J. Dixon (Info) Scripps Institute Experimental Pathology jandh 2011‑11‑09
Paul W. Doetsch (Info) Emory, NIH/NIEHS Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑29
Min Dong (Info) Harvard Medical School Clostridial neurotoxins fyeh 2011‑08‑08
Xianjun Dong (Info) University of Bergen Computational Biology sterding 2018‑02‑07
Volker Dötsch (Info) Institute of Biophysical Chemistry akelly 2012‑09‑12
Sylvie Doublié (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Harvard Medical School, University of Vermont College of Medicine damielcassiel 2017‑11‑23
Laura Nicole Driscoll (Info) UC Berkeley G-protein coupled receptors ldris 2010‑10‑25
Guangyan Du (Info) Dana Farber Cancer Institute dugy221 2016‑07‑12
Christophe Dubois (Info) Univ Marseille bf1966 2023‑01‑17
Tanoy Dutta (Info) IISER Bhopal Vigyaanik 2019‑03‑16
Michael J. Eck (Info) Harvard Medical School Structural Biology mjeck 2012‑07‑22
Elazer R. Edelman (Info) MIT jandh 2013‑11‑12
John Tileston Edsall (Info) Harvard Protein Physical Chemistry nanotar 2011‑09‑06
Ulrike S. Eggert (Info) Harvard Medical School, King's College Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑06‑20
Angela K. Eggleston (Info) Nature nucleic acid metabolism AEggleston 2016‑02‑17
Michael Ehrmann (Info) Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried xeniorn 2021‑09‑02
Herman N. Eisen (Info) MIT Cancer Immunology jandh 2012‑10‑25
Stephen J. Elledge (Info) Harvard Medical School, Baylor College of Medicine response to DNA damage and regulation of the cell cycle jandh 2013‑11‑24
Thomas E. Ellenberger (Info) Washington University jandh 2014‑02‑11
Michael J. Emanuele (Info) UVA, UNC Chapel Hill cell cycle, mitosis, protein stability, ubiquitin, cancer, genetics, cell biology pq 2016‑03‑23
Scott D. Emr (Info) Caltech, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Cornell biogenesis of organelles jandh 2014‑05‑08
Aaron E. Engelhart (Info) Georgia Tech, Harvard Medical School, MGH, Arizona State Nucleic Acids pq 2015‑10‑05
Felicia A. Etzkorn (Info) UVA, Virginia Tech protein structure and enzyme inhibitors by designing and synthesizing conformationally constrained mimics of peptides jandh 2012‑10‑09
Albert C. Fahrenbach (Info) Northwestern Organic Nanotechnology & Materials pq 2016‑01‑09
Michael Famulok (Info) Universität München, University of Bonn, Germany Aptamers, Chemical Biology, DNA Nanotechnology TeilhardDeChardin 2019‑05‑26
Hua-Ying Fan (Info) Penn Chromatin biology jhdennis 2014‑06‑11
Jean Fan (Info) Johns Hopkins tgao 2023‑01‑16
Lucas Farnung (Info) Harvard Medical School Transcription, Chromatin, Epigenetics, Cryo-EM, X-ray crystallography NCP1234 2022‑07‑04
Omid Farokhzad (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School polynag 2021‑04‑19
Fleur M. Ferguson (Info) UCSD Chemical Biology FleurF 2016‑07‑12
Olivier Feron (Info) Université catholique de Louvain msoetens 2018‑04‑29
John Douglass Ferry (Info) UW Madison polymer science, rheology ajduben42 2011‑09‑13
Bernard Fields (Info) Harvard University Medical School, Brigham & Women's Hospital dhrubinmd 2017‑01‑14
Robert Harley Fillingame (Info) UW Madison Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑04
Robert W. Finberg (Info) Harvard, University of Massachusetts Medical School Biochemistry, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑24
Lorenzo I. Finci (Info) Boston University, Harvard Medical School, Tsinghua University, New York Structural Biology Center, Frederick National Laboratory General Biophysics pq 2017‑02‑06
Gerald R. Fink (Info) MIT Yeast genetics stajich 2011‑06‑07
Cyrus H. Fiske (Info) Harvard Medical School chemical composition of living tissues, specifically blood, the liver, the spleen, and the pancreas jandh 2015‑04‑25
William W. Fleming (Info) West Virginia University School of Medicine Pharmacology CJM3 2009‑02‑02
Otto Folin (Info) Harvard Medical School biological chemistry jandh 2009‑07‑06
Jessica S. Fortin (Info) Michigan State, Purdue Medicinal chemistry, Protein misfolding and neurodegenerative diseases JessicaSFortin 2020‑08‑23
Charles Patrick France (Info) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Behavioral pharmacology yoyo 2010‑04‑03
Ivan D. Frantz (Info) UMN cholesterol and heart disease jandh 2017‑12‑13
Blaise deBonneval Frederick (Info) Yale, UC Berkeley, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School fMRI, NIRS, cerebral hemodynamics, NMR, sodium bbfrederick 2008‑08‑27
Christin A. Frederick (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2012‑06‑27
Dominique P. Frueh (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School NMR spectroscopy, structural biology scottnichols 2014‑02‑14
Jianjun Fu (Info) MGH/Harvard Medical School xwumgh 2016‑07‑21
Bruce Furie (Info) Harvard - BIDMC hemostasis and thrombosis bf1966 2020‑05‑01
Robert F Gagel (Info) MD Anderson Cancer Center Bone Biology, Endocrine Neoplasia rfgagel 2020‑11‑15
Alejandro Garcia (Info) Mass Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School Auditory prosthesis, auditory system agarcia12 2023‑02‑12
Ethan C. Garner (Info) Harvard single-molecule biology and bioimaging jandh 2013‑08‑01
Carlos A. Gartner (Info) University of Washington Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology pq 2016‑03‑15
Scott A. Gerber (Info) University of Washington Analytical Chemistry, Genetics, Organic Chemistry pq 2016‑04‑06
John Gergely (Info) Harvard Medical School muscle proteins jandh 2018‑02‑06
Ronald N Germain (Info) NIH/NIAID ssadegh 2018‑10‑12
Thomas W. Gero (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School BCL2, Kras, eya1 thomasgero 2016‑07‑12
Tobias W Giessen (Info) University of Michigan Encapsulins, Protein Cages, Structural Biology, Natural Products, Synthetic Biology twg 2022‑11‑05
Walter Gilbert (Info) Harvard Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Piraeus 2010‑10‑19
Gregory R Gipson (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, University of Cincinnati grgipson 2023‑11‑10
Vadim N. Gladyshev (Info) University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Harvard Medical School redox biology and trace elements as applied to cancer, aging and male reproduction pq 2016‑02‑05
Emerson Glassey (Info) MGH Drug Discovery, Natural Products, RiPPs, Directed Evolution eglassey 2021‑09‑29
J.N. Mark Glover (Info) University of Alberta Armadillo 2011‑12‑15
David E. Golan (Info) Harvard Medical School molecular biophysics, biochemistry ccairo 2012‑09‑24
Albert M. Gold (Info) Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Genetics bgold04 2016‑08‑21
Alfred Goldberg (Info) Harvard Medical School zhengqf 2019‑05‑26
Howard M. Goodman (Info) Harvard Medical School Genetics & molecular biology CJM3 2009‑02‑11
Luigi Gorini (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2013‑08‑11
Nathanael Gray (Info) Harvard Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑18
Julia Greenstein (Info) University of Rochester Medical Center netdoc 2019‑09‑09
Eric C Griffith (Info) Harvard Medical School edatan 2017‑04‑27
Linda Griffith (Info) MIT speyton 2018‑07‑11
John D. Gross (Info) UCSF stephenfloor 2017‑03‑24
Frederico Gueiros-Filho (Info) Harvard Medical School Stephen_Beverley 2016‑12‑28
Christian Haass (Info) Universität München george.perry 2010‑09‑06
Edgar Haber (Info) Harvard Medical School Immunochemistry CJM3 2009‑03‑25
Stephen J. Haggarty (Info) Harvard Medical School neuroplasticity, chromatin, neural stem cells haggarty 2010‑06‑09
Stephanie Hajjar (Info) Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School xuzhou1984 2023‑01‑24
Sen-itiroh Hakomori (Info) Pacific Northwest Research Institute structure and function of glycosphingolipids jandh 2014‑03‑13
Zach W. Hall (Info) Envivo Pharmaceuticals tamily 2006‑03‑21
Ulla Margrete Hansen (Info) Harvard Medical School, Boston University Mammalian gene regulation, Transcription, Cell cycle, Cancer pq 2016‑03‑12
Stephen C. Harrison (Info) Harvard structural cell biology jandh 2012‑06‑24
Steven C. Harrison (Info) Harvard Medical School Rwalsh 2019‑01‑14
Anwarul Hasan (Info) Harvard Medical School anasa88 2018‑05‑25
Tayyaba Hasan (Info) Harvard Medical School photodynamic therapy (PDT) jandh 2013‑08‑01
William Alan Haseltine (Info) Harvard Medical School biotechnology jandh 2018‑08‑09
A. Baird Hastings (Info) Harvard Medical School Biochemistry, metabolism testtest 2009‑02‑27
John M. Hatcher (Info) Duke, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School pq 2015‑11‑18
Dane Z Hazelbaker (Info) Broad Institute (MIT/Harvard) Gene Expression DaneH2049 2018‑07‑09
Selig Hecht (Info) Columbia, Creighton University Sensory biophysics hayden 2005‑01‑26
Lora K. Heisler (Info) Cambridge obesity, serotonin, neuroscience lamdan 2011‑08‑18
Matthew T. Henke (Info) Harvard Medical School, Northwestern natural products, biosynthesis, analytical chemistry MattHenke 2016‑11‑01
Judith Herzfeld (Info) Amherst College, Harvard Medical School, Brandeis statistical thermodynamics and solid state NMR jandh 2013‑03‑03
Ryan E. Hibbs (Info) UCSD, UT Southwestern Medical Center / The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Ligand-gated ion channel structural biology Rwalsh 2019‑01‑11
Jonathan M.G. Higgins (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital, Newcastle University, UK, Oxford Cell division GSG2 2017‑08‑03
George H. Hitchings (Info) Wellcome Research Laboratories jandh 2015‑04‑25
Timothy Hla (Info) Weill Cornell Medical College, Boston Children's Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, American Red Cross Holland Labs Vascular system, bioactive lipids, sphingosine 1-phosphate, cyclooxygenase hlatim 2014‑12‑03
Mahlon Hoagland (Info) Harvard Medical School, Dartmouth RNA 2012‑03‑24
Daniel R. Hochbaum (Info) Harvard tools to study biomolecules pq 2015‑11‑14
James M. Hogle (Info) Harvard Medical School structural biology jandh 2012‑06‑24
Florian Hollfelder (Info) Cambridge enzyme mechanism, directed evololution, physical-organic chemistry, microfluidics fhollfelder 2017‑03‑28
Jacob Matthew Hooker (Info) Harvard Medical School, MGH, Brookhaven National Lab, UC Berkeley, NCSU, NCSU positron emission tomography, radiotracer chemistry, epigenetics, neuroscience, neurotransmitters jmhooker 2015‑06‑01
Chih-yun Hsia (Info) Harvard Medical School plyang 2022‑01‑03
Chih Hung Hsu (Info) Zhejiang University Epigenetic regulation chihhunghsu 2020‑06‑12
Guang Hu (Info) National Institute of Environmental Health Science Stem Cell Biology twensel 2012‑11‑16
Billy G. Hudson (Info) University of Kansas, Vanderbilt University Medical School Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Analytical Chemistry pq 2016‑05‑29
Reid Hunt (Info) Harvard Medical School Pharmacology hanks 2005‑11‑07
Sun Hur (Info) Harvard Medical School functions and mechanisms of several pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that specifically recognize viral nucleic acids, such as several Toll like receptors and RIG-I-like helicases jandh 2012‑06‑28
Edward L. Huttlin (Info) UW Madison pq 2016‑01‑04
Donald E. Ingber (Info) Harvard Medical School biologically inspired engineering juliasero 2011‑12‑14
Franz Joseph Ingelfinger (Info) BU School of Medicine jandh 2018‑02‑01
Joanne Sadowski Ingwall (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Physiology mandrzejewsk 2007‑10‑20
Vishwanath R Iyer (Info) UT Austin jybella 2017‑05‑24
Lior Izhar (Info) Emendo Biotherapeutics, Weizmann Institute Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑04‑19
John Janetzko (Info) Stanford Medical School GPCRs, biochemistry, biophysics, GRK, post-translational modifications, mass spectrometry jjanetzko 2018‑08‑25
Hae Lin Jang (Info) Harvard Medical School anasa88 2018‑05‑25
Jaebong Jang (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute JBJANG 2016‑07‑14
Paul A. Janmey (Info) Penn biopolymer networks jandh 2013‑11‑04
Gopala K. Jarugumilli (Info) MGH/Harvard Medical School xwumgh 2016‑07‑21
Roger W. Jeanloz (Info) Harvard Medical School glycobiology jandh 2014‑03‑13
Finith E. Jernigan (Info) UNC Chapel Hill, Harvard Medical School, Silicon Therapeutics , PTC Therapeutics, Inc., Roivant Sciences Chemical Biology, Computational Drug Discovery pq 2015‑11‑18
Baishan Jiang (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute songjiapo 2016‑07‑15
Aaron Johnson (Info) University of Colorado, Denver RNA 2013‑03‑24
Cassandra M Joiner (Info) Harvard Medical School Protein-protein interactions, O-GlcNAc Transferase cmjoiner 2017‑10‑26
Alun G. Jones (Info) Harvard Medical School radiopharmaceutical chemistry jandh 2015‑08‑03
Lok Raj Joshi (Info) Harvard Virology, Immunology, Gene Therapy lokraj 2023‑04‑27
William G. Kaelin (Info) Harvard Medical School, Dana Farber Cancer Institute medical oncology, molecular biology jandh 2019‑10‑07
Barbara B. Kahn (Info) Harvard Medical School ismails2005 2017‑01‑19
Geoffrey Kapler (Info) Texas A & M Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑18
Tarun Kapoor (Info) Rockefeller Cytoskeleton, Cell cycle RNA 2011‑12‑15
Morris J. Karnovsky (Info) Harvard Medical School Pathological Anatomy jandh 2013‑11‑12
Jeffrey M. Karp (Info) Harvard Medical School Biomedical Engineering tarselli 2015‑07‑09
Deborah Kelly (Info) Virginia Tech Carilion RNA 2013‑03‑24
Regis B. Kelly (Info) UCSF neuro-signaling and long-term memory davenport 2008‑07‑28
Eugene Patrick Kennedy (Info) Harvard Medical School, Chicago phospholipid biosynthesis RNA 2011‑12‑30
Alex Kentsis (Info) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Cancer biology, rational therapy, drug design kentsis 2012‑03‑20
Ali Khademhosseini (Info) Harvard Medical School bioengineering - biomedical engineering - biomaterials - tissue engineering - microfluidics Gdmt 2012‑12‑26
Pra Khar (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School RNA Biology and Biochemistry, Stress Biology, Molecular neurodegeneration pkharel 2019‑08‑26
Peter V. Kharchenko (Info) Harvard Computational Genetics pq 2015‑11‑07
Jessica Kievenaar (Info) Harvard Medical School plyang 2022‑01‑03
Annette S. Kim (Info) Harvard Medical School mkrosen 2021‑06‑04
Byeong-Won Kim (Info) Korea University, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School hksong 2019‑07‑27
Hwan D Kim (Info) Korea National University of Transportation Vascular Biology, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine bmsce1008 2018‑04‑19
Jonghwan Kim (Info) UT Austin Stem cells, Genomics jybella 2017‑10‑19
Jongseong Kim (Info) Harvard Medical School single molecule biophysics envokim 2008‑06‑30
Justin Kim (Info) Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School yinxiaop 2021‑04‑08
George L King (Info) Harvard Medical School dbottaro 2020‑02‑10
Robert E. Kingston (Info) Harvard Medical School chromatin-modifying proteins jandh 2013‑07‑14
Tomas Kirchhausen (Info) Harvard Medical School Immune Disease jandh 2013‑08‑21
Yuriy V. Kirichok (Info) UCSF Ion channels of mitochondria, thermogenesis, ion channels of the germ cells, biophysics PolinaLishko 2011‑01‑14
Marc W. Kirschner (Info) Harvard Medical School Cell Cycle, Cytoskeleton, Systems Biology testtest 2009‑02‑18
Sivapriya Kirubakaran (Info) IIT Gandhinagar chemical biology, medicinal chemistry sivapriyak 2018‑05‑03
Roy Kishony (Info) Harvard Medical School system-level architecture of genetic networks jandh 2013‑08‑04
Akio Kitao (Info) Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Harvard Medical School, Kyoto University Protein Dynamics, Computational Biology,Biophysics, Computational Chemistry akitao 2024‑08‑16
Daryl E. Klein (Info) Penn Medical Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑22
Ronald H. Kluger (Info) University of Toronto organic chemistry jtelser 2013‑08‑18
Puck Knipscheer (Info) Hubrecht Institute Johannes 2019‑02‑05
W. Eugene Knox (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2014‑03‑07
Dieter Koch-Weser (Info) Chicago, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Northwestern, Case Western, NIH fullercd 2020‑06‑08
Daniel S. Kohane (Info) Boston Children's Hospital Biomaterials and Drug Delivery jandh 2012‑11‑30
Richie E. Kohman (Info) UIUC, Boston University, MIT Media Lab, Harvard Medical School bioorganic chemistry, neurotechnology, nucleic acid chemistry, nanotechnology, polymer chemistry, biomaterials pq 2015‑11‑08
Nagesh Kolishetti (Info) Florida International Polymers, Drug delivery, Nanomedicine polynag 2021‑04‑19
Richard D. Kolodner (Info) UCSD, Harvard Medical School genetic recombination and DNA repair jandh 2014‑05‑18
Roberto Kolter (Info) Harvard Medical School Bacterial Biofilms syntherzukal 2013‑02‑08
Sriram Kosuri (Info) UCLA Biochemistry, Systems Biology and Biological Regulation, Synthetic Biology, Molecular Biology, Genomic david 2016‑01‑06
Bryan A. Krantz (Info) UC Berkeley Biophysical chemistry of membrane proteins jandh 2012‑03‑07
Edward Kravitz (Info) Harvard Medical School Transmitter biochemistry david 2005‑09‑08
Gabriel Kreiman (Info) The Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Computational Neuroscience, Visual Object Recognition, Visual Cortex, Artificial Intelligence jgoleary 2005‑11‑02
Martin J. Kushmerick (Info) University of Washington energetics of cells and organs siliconbrain 2007‑10‑23
Nathan Lamarre-Vincent (Info) Harvard Medical School david 2016‑07‑25
Ralph H Lambalot (Info) Harvard Medical School Mechanistic Enzymology, Biosynthesis, Macrolide Antibiotics, Phosphopantetheinylation, lambarh 2020‑05‑22
Robert S. Langer (Info) MIT Drug Delivery, Biotechnology, Immobilized Enzymes, Biomedical Engineering jandh 2011‑11‑02
Salomon Z. Langer (Info) Alpha-2 Pharmaceutica AB, Tel Aviv Monoamines CJM3 2009‑03‑16
Robert Langridge (Info) Harvard Medical School, Chicago, Princeton, UCSF Molecular Graphics tarselli 2015‑08‑05
Peter T. Lansbury, Jr. (Info) Harvard Medical School george.perry 2010‑09‑07
Jeannie T. Lee (Info) MGH X-Chromosome Inactivation jandh 2013‑11‑25
Joon Lee (Info) Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School single molecule biophysics of integrins joon.lee 2019‑03‑29
Sang-Mok Lee (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital & Harvard Medical School Host-microbe interactions, Metabolomics, Systems biology slee126 2024‑05‑02
Seungwoo Lee (Info) Korea University Soft Photonics and Bioinspired Optics softphoton 2016‑10‑25
Yuhan Lee (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Biomaterials, medical adhesives, nano formulations yuhan.lee 2018‑08‑14
Watson James Lees (Info) Syracuse, Florida International protein folding jandh 2015‑09‑23
Robert J. Lefkowitz (Info) Duke G protein-coupled receptors randyhall 2007‑05‑09
Roger P. Leng (Info) University of Alberta molecular biology slpomeroy 2011‑02‑26
Diana Leung (Info) Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard Medical School xuzhou1984 2023‑01‑24
Michael Levin (Info) Tufts Xenopus, chick, zebrafish, left-right asymmetry, laterality, polarity, regeneration, bioelectricity, biophysics mlevin77 2009‑11‑01
Bo Li (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Chemical Biology, Natural Product Biosynthesis and Discovery, Antibiotic Mechanism of Action, Metabolomics, Synthetic Biology jandh 2013‑02‑22
Haobo Li (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School Heart failure, diabetes, aging haoboli 2021‑06‑23
Jin Billy Li (Info) Harvard Medical School meteorcube 2018‑05‑15
Jixi Li (Info) Fudan university Structural biology JacksonLi 2017‑02‑17
kunhua Li (Info) Harvard Medical School kunhuali 2020‑06‑13
Wekai Li (Info) Washington University RNA 2012‑05‑17
Wenlong Lian (Info) Harvard plyang 2016‑06‑15
Bo Liang (Info) Florida State knowledge01 2017‑06‑08
Eric C. Liao (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital kkusumika 2017‑06‑16
Maofu Liao (Info) Harvard Medical School Rwalsh 2019‑01‑11
Brian B. Liau (Info) Harvard Organic synthesis pq 2015‑11‑08
Stephen D. Liberles (Info) Harvard Medical School Olfaction and pheromone signaling, Vagus nerve JLand52 2008‑07‑08
Charles P. Lin (Info) Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School RT861 2014‑10‑01
Edmund Chi Chien Lin (Info) Harvard Medical School catabolism of polyhydric alcohols jandh 2014‑03‑07
Hening Lin (Info) Cornell chemistry, biology, and application of enzymes jandh 2012‑07‑28
Andrew J. Link (Info) Vanderbilt Medical School cbrowne1 2016‑07‑12
Fritz Albert Lipmann (Info) Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Biochemistry hayden 2005‑01‑26
Qingsong Liu (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Translational Medicine nkliuqs97 2016‑07‑12
Yao Liu (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School cancer research yao_liu 2016‑07‑12
Milan Alexander Logan (Info) University of Cincinnati jandh 2019‑05‑16
R. Scott Lokey (Info) UC Santa Cruz drug discovery jandh 2014‑07‑29
Michael Lombardo (Info) Harvard Medical School plyang 2022‑01‑03
David Long (Info) South Carolina Medical University Johannes 2019‑02‑05
Thomas Look (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School kentsis 2012‑03‑20
Joseph J. Loparo (Info) Harvard Medical School optical spectroscopy to probe the dynamics of molecules tom thach 2007‑06‑19
Jon Lorsch (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Protein synthesis, regulation of translation RNA 2012‑05‑02
Joseph Loscalzo (Info) Boston University Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑26
David N. Louis (Info) Harvard Medical School and Masssachusetts General Hospital molecular genetic basis of human brain tumors george.perry 2010‑03‑19
J. Christopher C. Love (Info) MIT Nano-based Drugs, Personalized Medicine, Cancer Immunology jandh 2015‑09‑27
Susan Lowey (Info) Harvard Medical School, Brandeis, University of Vermont the role of myosin in muscle contraction jandh 2018‑06‑11
Falong Lu (Info) Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Epigenetics 09300720096 2020‑06‑01
Jianrong Lu (Info) UF Gainesville Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology pq 2016‑06‑24
Kun Ping Lu (Info) Emory, Harvard Medical School Molecular mechanisms and treatments of Alzheimer's disease and cancer pq 2015‑09‑29
Bai Luan (Info) Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Harvard Medical School zmy8859 2019‑03‑01
Martha L. Ludwig (Info) University of Michigan structural biology jandh 2012‑03‑14
Andrej Lupták (Info) UC Irvine Chemical biology, RNA jonlam 2014‑10‑30
Costas Lyssiotis (Info) Scripps Institute Lorenzo 2016‑06‑15
Chanthia Ma (Info) Harvard Medical School mbmiller12 2021‑09‑22
Diane Ma (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital Stem Cells, Kidney Regeneration, Hematological Malignancies, Metabolic Disorders, Diabetes and Diabetic Complications, Clinical Trials DMA 2020‑02‑11
Victor Pui-Yan Ma (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School Nanotechnology victorpyma 2014‑04‑22
Roderick MacKinnon (Info) Rockefeller Ion channels hanks 2005‑11‑02
James Madara (Info) Harvard Medical School - Brigham and Women's Hospital spcolgan 2023‑03‑08
Nathan A. Magarvey (Info) McMaster University natural products magarv 2015‑03‑28
Boris Magasanik (Info) MIT microbial physiology and the regulation of gene expression in bacteria and yeast. RNA 2012‑04‑03
Steven J. Malcolmson (Info) Boston College catalysts pq 2015‑11‑08
Kirill A. Martemyanov (Info) UMN Pharmacology, Neuroscience Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑29
Jarrod A. Marto (Info) Harvard Medical School proteomics jandh 2013‑08‑21
Martha Marvin (Info) Williams mmercola 2018‑01‑21
Seiji Masuda (Info) University of Kyoto RNA 2012‑12‑30
Edmund Matayoshi (Info) Harvard Medical School hsze 2020‑01‑10
Shibin Mathew (Info) University of Pittsburgh, Harvard Medical School dl9 2020‑06‑22
Dewey G. McCafferty (Info) Duke chemical biology, mechanistic enzymology and molecular medicine jandh 2012‑12‑06
Ralph Wendell McKee (Info) UCLA, Harvard Medical School Biochemistry Vigyaanik 2016‑12‑26
Randall McNally (Info) UC Berkeley Structural Biology of Cellular Signal Transduction and DNA Replication pq 2015‑11‑11
Elizabeth Meiering (Info) University of Waterloo connectingresearchers 2020‑08‑06
Juan Melero-Martin (Info) bmsce1008 2018‑04‑19
Douglas A. Melton (Info) Harvard Development JLand52 2007‑01‑18
Mark Mercola (Info) Stanford cardiology mmercola 2017‑04‑10
Matthew F. Mescher (Info) UMN Immunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑02‑12
James Laurence Michel (Info) Harvard Medical School jandh 2017‑12‑16
Hannes Mikula (Info) Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) DSVA 2017‑11‑19
julie miller (Info) Stanford, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School PeterKentJackson 2016‑10‑08
Keith W. Miller (Info) Harvard Medical School anesthesia research jandh 2013‑08‑22
Michael B. Miller (Info) Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School prion disease, protein misfolding, genomics, neuropathology, neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's disease mbmiller12 2021‑09‑22
Oscar R. Miranda (Info) Villanova, U Mass Amherst, Harvard Medical School, MIT Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Supramolecular Chemistry, Bioengineering, Biomedical and Materials Applications of Nanosystem, Biomedical Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems, Biomedicine tarselli 2015‑07‑09
Timothy J. Mitchison (Info) Harvard Medical School Microtubules, Actin, Mitosis, Cell cycle RNA 2011‑12‑15
Yorgo E. Modis (Info) Yale molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions using X-ray crystallography, microscopy, and other biophysical and biochemical approaches jandh 2013‑07‑08
Paul L. Modrich (Info) Duke University School of Medicine DNA Mismatch Repair jandh 2014‑03‑19
David J. Mooney (Info) University of Michigan, Harvard Angiogenesis, drug delivery, mechanotransduction, immune therapies and cancer, musculoskeletal tissue engineering, new biomaterials jandh 2012‑09‑25
David D Moore (Info) UC Berkeley molecular biology DavidDMoore 2020‑01‑24
Claudio Morales-Perez (Info) Harvard Medical School Rwalsh 2019‑01‑11
Kusumika Mukherjee (Info) University of Utah Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genome editing, Developmental Biology pq 2016‑04‑19
Jens Müller (Info) University of Munster, TU Dortmund connectingresearchers 2021‑07‑28
Richard Mulligan (Info) Harvard Medical School Gene therapy rjkelleher 2008‑03‑27
John R. Murphy (Info) Harvard Medical School, BU School of Medicine molecular biology and molecular genetics of bacterial protein toxins jandh 2015‑10‑07
Andrew W. Murray (Info) Harvard Cell cycle, evolution RNA 2011‑12‑15
Venkatesh N. Murthy (Info) Harvard information processing by neural circuits hanks 2005‑10‑13
Samira Musah (Info) UW Madison, Harvard, Harvard Medical School Biomolecular recognition pq 2015‑11‑08
Lee Nadler (Info) Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School annschlesinger 2019‑05‑01
Ganesh Nagaraju (Info) IISc Bangalore DNA_replication 2020‑06‑17
Aurel Nagy (Info) Harvard Medical School Molecular neuroscience, regulatory element engineering aunagy 2020‑02‑04
Eunju Nam (Info) UNIST, KAIST, Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Medical School mslim777 2018‑07‑31
Yunsun Nam (Info) UT Southwestern Structure function of RNA Modification Proteins and ncRNAs pq 2015‑11‑30
Amir Nasajpour (Info) UCLA Biomaterials, Self Assembled Mono-layers (SAM's), Liquid Crystals anasa88 2018‑05‑25
Ami Navon (Info) Weizmann Institute Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑05‑02
David Lee Nelson (Info) UW Madison signal transductions in the protozoan Paramecium jandh 2018‑10‑29
Wai-Lung Ng (Info) Chinese University of Hong Kong chemistryhk 2017‑11‑27
Freddy T. Nguyen (Info) Rice University, MIT, UIUC, MIT, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, MIT, MIT, Massachuestts General Hospital freddytn 2015‑12‑04
Tuan Minh Nguyen (Info) Harvard Medical School - Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT Oncology, small molecule, RNA medicine tmnguyen 2022‑01‑15
Hermann Niemeyer Fernandez (Info) University of Chile Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Biochemistry, Kinetics Markovian 2016‑11‑20
Mehdi Nikkhah (Info) Harvard Medical School anasa88 2018‑05‑25
Jeff Nivala (Info) University of Washington nanopores, synthetic biology, protein engineering jmdn 2018‑11‑20
Sungwhan Oh (Info) Harvard Pharmacology, Immunology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑28
Donald B. Oliver (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, Wesleyan Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑18
Janet M. Oliver (Info) Univ. of New Mexico Pathology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑02‑29
Calla M. Olson (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Cancer Biology, Kinase Inhibition, Cyclin-dependent kinases cmolson 2016‑07‑12
J. Lawrence Oncley (Info) University of Michigan high density and low density lipoproteins jandh 2011‑12‑09
Nili Ostrov (Info) Columbia, Harvard Medical School Chemical Complementation, Ribosome Chemistry, In Vivo Imaging pq 2015‑11‑13
Hermen S. Overkleeft (Info) Leiden jandh 2011‑06‑24
Arthur B. Pardee (Info) Harvard Medical School cancer research SMAXEINER 2008‑10‑19
Eun Young Park (Info) Korea University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard Medical School hksong 2019‑07‑27
Sangwoo Park (Info) Cornell, Harvard Medical School & Massachuestts General Hospital, KAIST Glycobiology, Immunoengineering, Biophysics, Optics sp2445 2024‑06‑11
Simon S. Park (Info) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Synthesis, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Sialic Acid, Oligosaccharide Synthesis, Complex Glycan Synthesis spark61388 2016‑02‑24
Yong Il Park (Info) Chonnam National University nanomat7150 2018‑12‑17
Justin A. Pater (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, Sanofi Genzyme Cancer genetics justin.pater 2021‑12‑14
Natalya N Pavlova (Info) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center cancer genetics, cell metabolism natapavl 2019‑03‑04
Dehua Pei (Info) Ohio State chemical biology, medicinal chemistry jandh 2013‑03‑14
David Pellman (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Harvard Medical School Cell Cycle RNA 2011‑12‑15
Lawrence Penicot-Dubois (Info) INSERM - France Thrombosis bf1966 2023‑01‑17
Lauren E. Pepi (Info) University of Georgia, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School JAmster 2022‑06‑02
J. Manuel Perez (Info) MGH-Harvard Medical School, University of Central Florida, Cedar Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles Nanomedicine, biomedical science Vigyaanik 2021‑04‑24
Deborah L. Perlstein (Info) Boston University Iron-sulfur proteins, bioinorganic chemistry secohen 2017‑02‑23
John Wilhelm Peterson (Info) Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital jandh 2018‑08‑07
Randall Theodore Peterson (Info) Harvard david 2015‑08‑05
Afroditi Petsakou (Info) NYU Neuroscience Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑05‑02
Hidde L. Ploegh (Info) Netherlands Cancer Institute, Harvard, MIT jandh 2011‑08‑07
Thomas Dean Pollard (Info) Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Salk Institute, Yale Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Actin Dyche 2010‑11‑16
Alfred S. Ponticelli (Info) SUNY Buffalo Biochemistry pq 2016‑02‑05
James D. Potter (Info) University of Miami School of Medicine Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑10
Matthew Powner (Info) UCL RSC 2013‑04‑27
Catherine Proenza (Info) CU Boulder Sinoatrial node, HCN channels cproenza 2013‑04‑30
Katarina Psenakova (Info) Harvard Medical School Structural Biology, Epigenetics, Heterochromatin psenakova 2019‑12‑17
Kedar Puvar (Info) Purdue, Harvard Medical School plumber 2022‑01‑05
Jun Qi (Info) Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School ejchory 2017‑12‑18
Daniel C Rabe (Info) National Cancer Institue-NIH, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital dbottaro 2020‑02‑10
Charles M. Radding (Info) Yale genetic recombination and enzymology of nucleic acids jandh 2014‑03‑22
Christian R.H. Raetz (Info) Duke University School of Medicine lipid biochemistry jandh 2013‑03‑15
Kaushik Ragunathan (Info) University of Michigan connectingresearchers 2020‑05‑23
Klaus Rajewsky (Info) University of Cologne Molecular genetics jandh 2014‑05‑07
Timothy R. Ramadhar (Info) Harvard pq 2015‑10‑06
Nagendran Ramalingam (Info) Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital DT19 2022‑12‑14
Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (Info) University of Michigan NMR, Biophysics, Chemistry, Membrane proteins, Amyloid proteins ramamoor 2018‑02‑15
Robert R. Rando (Info) Harvard Medical School Biochemistry of Vision SEMN1 2012‑09‑30
Anjana Rao (Info) Harvard Molecular Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑04‑05
Suman Rao (Info) Harvard Medical School/Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Cancer Biology SR2015 2016‑07‑12
Tom A. Rapoport (Info) Harvard Medical School Endoplasmic Reticulum, Secretion RNA 2011‑12‑13
Zvi Rappoport (Info) Hebrew University FlavioG 2016‑07‑30
Hossein Ravanbakhsh (Info) University of Akron Biofabrication; Tissue Engineering hravan 2022‑07‑10
Michael H. Räz (Info) Wyss institute @ Harvard Biomolecular Nanotechnology michaelraez 2019‑03‑04
Capucine Van Rechem (Info) Stanford University Medical School medzova 2019‑08‑07
Samara L. Reck-Peterson (Info) UCSD, Harvard Medical School Dynein RNA 2012‑04‑15
Robin Reed (Info) Harvard Medical School mRNA nuclear export, splicing RNA 2012‑01‑06
Catherine Rhee (Info) UT Austin jybella 2017‑10‑19
Charles C. Richardson (Info) Harvard Medical School Structure and metabolism of nucleic acids jandh 2014‑03‑19
Ann Rittenhouse (Info) University of Massachusetts cafeturco 2010‑06‑02
Jonathan T. Rittichier (Info) Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Organic Chemistry, Synthesis, Chemical Biology jorittic 2016‑11‑12
Richard W. Roberts (Info) USC protein design, proteins, RNA, DNA, biophysical chemistry, chemical biology, therapeutics, origin of life chemistry jandh 2012‑07‑06
Jean-Christophe Rochet (Info) Purdue Parkinson’s disease, protein aggregation david 2015‑07‑13
Joseph T Rodgers (Info) Keck School of Medicine University of Southern California dmascotti 2017‑10‑18
Rajat Rohatgi (Info) Stanford Medical School Biochemical Mechanisms of Hedgehog (Hh) Signaling jandh 2013‑07‑26
Derry C. Roopenian (Info) University of Maine Biochemistry, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑31
Michael K. Rosen (Info) UT Southwestern Rwalsh 2019‑01‑14
Brad S. Rothberg (Info) Temple University K+ channels brothberg 2012‑09‑19
James E. Rothman (Info) Stanford, Princeton, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Columbia, Yale Secretion, membrane fusion lukesjulson 2007‑10‑28
Hagai Rottenberg (Info) Hahnemann University School of Medicine Bioenergetics, biomembranes hayden 2005‑02‑05
Joan V. Ruderman (Info) Harvard Medical School molecular mechanisms that regulate progress through the cell division cycle jandh 2013‑03‑01
Arnab Rudra (Info) University of Utah, Johns Hopkins Organic synthesis, Nucleic acid chemistry arnabrudra 2014‑04‑05
Guillermo U Ruiz-Esparza (Info) Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology Nanomedicina gruizeh 2017‑09‑17
Gary Ruvkun (Info) Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital miRNA, C. elegans development and lifespan jonps 2010‑08‑18
Do Hyun Ryu (Info) Sung Kyun Kwan University newton1225 2016‑01‑15
Alan S. (Info) Harvard Medical School hsze 2020‑01‑09
Bernardo L. Sabatini (Info) Harvard Medical School Synaptic Transmission and Plasticity patluri 2005‑12‑30
Ruth Sager (Info) Harvard Medical School Cancer Genetics jandh 2012‑12‑04
Sarah Sandler (Info) Harvard Medical School nanoporez 2025‑01‑10
Ace George Santiago (Info) Cornell, Harvard icks 2017‑06‑20
Zoltan Sarnyai (Info) Cambridge, James Cook University stress and mental health, psychopharmacology sarnyai 2008‑05‑29
David F. Savage (Info) UC Berkeley Biophysics, Synthetic Biology, and Systems Biology jandh 2012‑03‑09
Sneha Saxena (Info) IISc Bangalore DNA_replication 2020‑06‑17
Ann Schlesinger (Info) developmental genetics, immunology, vaccines annschlesinger 2019‑05‑01
Christian Schlieker (Info) Yale Protein Folding and Dynamics; Structural Biology jandh 2013‑07‑14
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