People with institution matching "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Paul David Adams (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL crystallography, cryo-EM, computational methods, structural biology paul.d.adams 2021‑07‑05
Tae Kyu Ahn (Info) Sungkyunkwam University Laser spectroscopy, Photosynthesis, Solar Cells achemist89 2022‑10‑27
Saadia Amiel (Info) Weizmann Institute jandh 2024‑06‑20
Matthias Arenz (Info) University of Bonn, LBNL, Technical University of Munich, Copenhagen University, University of Bern pasc 2024‑11‑22
Paul D. Ashby (Info) Harvard nanoscience pq 2015‑11‑07
Muratahan Aykol (Info) Toyota Research Institute computational materials science, DFT, batteries, machine learning mma01844 2017‑09‑10
Patricia Ann Baisden (Info) LLNL jandh 2015‑08‑27
Steven Baldelli (Info) University of Houston Surface Chemistry qavo08 2015‑01‑14
Swastika Banerjee (Info) IIT Roorkee connectingresearchers 2022‑10‑06
Christine M. Beavers (Info) UC Santa Cruz, Diamond Light Source crystallography, extreme conditions, phase changes bssymr 2016‑10‑24
Mark D. Biggin (Info) LBNL jandh 2013‑11‑13
Mina J. Bissell (Info) LBNL Microenvironmental Influences on Gene Expression and Tissue Specificity in Normal and Malignant Breast jandh 2013‑08‑11
Samuel M. Blau (Info) LBNL Reaction networks, high-throughput molecular electronic structure, electrochemistry, open quantum systems sblau 2021‑04‑09
Hendrik Bluhm (Info) LBNL, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society jtnewberg 2019‑07‑05
Artur Braun (Info) EMPA surface science, electrochemistry, phyiscal chemistry, x-ray spectroscopy, neutron scattering, metal oxides, carbon, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry arturbraun 2014‑06‑05
Henry John Burki (Info) Rochester, UC Berkeley, LBNL Radiation Biology, DNA damage, Biophysics damielcassiel 2017‑11‑23
Jordi Cabana (Info) LBNL, University of Illinois, Chicago Materials Chemistry, Batteries, X-Ray Spectroscopy kripke 2015‑02‑20
Charles R. Cantor (Info) Boston University, Columbia, LBNL, UC Berkeley Human genome analysis; molecular genetics; new biophysical tools and methodologies; genetic engineering jandh 2013‑01‑28
Sophie Carenco (Info) Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LBNL, CNRS, College de France Chemistry ; Material Sciences sophie.carenco 2017‑11‑10
Kristin Aslaug Ceder-Persson (Info) UC Berkeley htz1992213 2017‑04‑17
Yu Chai (Info) LBNL Polymer Physics, AFM yuchai 2019‑02‑12
Promita Chakraborty (Info) Virginia Tech/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ronz 2016‑06‑15
Joel Chasis (Info) LBNL Leejam 2019‑11‑08
Chun-Long Chen (Info) LBNL ronz 2016‑06‑15
Guoying Chen (Info) Penn State, LBNL Chemistry of Nanoscale Inorganic Materials pq 2015‑11‑17
Linfeng Chen (Info) UCSD, Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry lic162 2020‑10‑04
Zhan Chen (Info) University of Michigan Biomaterial and Polymer Surfaces, Biocompatibility, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Lasers jandh 2013‑02‑07
Eun Seon Cho (Info) MIT/École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne frstella 2018‑10‑19
In-Geol Choi (Info) Korea University Computational Genomics igcucb 2017‑10‑02
Jaeyoo Choi (Info) Seoul National University, LBNL dl9 2020‑06‑13
Gregory R. Choppin (Info) Florida State jandh 2011‑10‑31
Victor Chubukov (Info) LBNL tteng 2020‑08‑05
Bruce Elliot Cohen (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL nanoscience, bioimaging, chemical biology jandh 2018‑01‑21
Gavin E. Crooks (Info) LBNL Thermodynamics gec 2014‑10‑08
Tanja Cuk (Info) UC Berkeley, CU Boulder artificial photosynthesis jandh 2012‑03‑04
Wibe A. de Jong (Info) LBNL quantum chemistry, HPC, machine learning, quantum computing muammar 2019‑10‑31
Selvan Demir (Info) Michigan State connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑17
Donald J. DePaolo (Info) UCLA, UC Berkeley Geochemistry pq 2016‑01‑24
Richard M. Diamond (Info) LBNL nuclear chemistry jandh 2014‑04‑12
Baoquan Ding (Info) NYU david 2015‑07‑05
Muammar El Khatib (Info) LCPQ, IRSAMC - CNRS, UPS III Toulouse, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, UC Berkeley, Bristol Myers Squibb Machine Learning, Electronic Structure muammar 2018‑12‑11
Thomas Eng (Info) LBNL systems biology, genetics tteng 2020‑08‑04
Graham R. Fleming (Info) UC Berkeley, Chicago Ultrafast Spectroscopy jandh 2011‑12‑06
Heinz Markus Frei (Info) LBNL Artificial Photosynthesis jandh 2012‑03‑04
Chengyin Fu (Info) LBNL lgeng 2018‑07‑26
Kevin J. Gagnon (Info) Vertex Pharmaceuticals Chemistry, crystallography Kjgagnon 2016‑10‑26
Warren Manford Garrison (Info) LBNL jandh 2020‑05‑02
Abhik Ghosh (Info) University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, University of California, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway Bioinorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, computational chemistry recurvirostrid 2017‑03‑13
Naomi Shauna Ginsberg (Info) UC Berkeley photosynthetic light harvesting jandh 2012‑03‑06
Anne E. V. Gorden (Info) UT Austin, UC Berkeley, LBNL, Auburn University, Texas Tech Synthetic Chemistry and Actinide Science pq 2015‑11‑08
Gautam Gundiah (Info) APL Engineered Materials, Inc., LBNL, UC Santa Barbara, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India gundiah 2015‑08‑31
Juchen Guo (Info) UC Riverside lgeng 2018‑07‑26
Jeffrey J. Headd (Info) Duke 3D structures of proteins pq 2015‑11‑13
Clayton H. Heathcock (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL natural products chemistry jandh 2011‑11‑04
Brett A. Helms (Info) LBNL Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry jonlam 2013‑02‑19
Alexandre HERVE (Info) LBNL alexandreherve 2016‑07‑09
Alexander Hexemer (Info) UC Santa Barbara polymer interfaces pq 2015‑11‑07
Daniel Allen Horner (Info) daringdan 2016‑09‑15
Jianping Huang (Info) SUNY Stony Brook, LBNL Materials Chemistry sbuhenry 2018‑07‑26
Earl K. Hyde (Info) Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, LBNL nuclear chemistry jandh 2020‑09‑02
Anubhav Jain (Info) LBNL espottesmith 2024‑01‑25
Kinson C. Kam (Info) SUNY Binghamton, UC Santa Barbara, Uppsala, LBNL Materials Chemistry pq 2015‑12‑02
Wang Hay Kan (Info) Institute of High Energy Physics Solid State Chemistry, Energy Storage/Conversion Systems, X-ray/Neutron Diffraction pq 2016‑05‑02
Balasubramaniam R. Kavaipatti (Info) LBNL, IIT Bombay Fuel Cells, PVD, MBE pq 2015‑10‑04
Jay D. Keasling (Info) UC Berkeley Metabolic engineering of microorganisms jandh 2012‑03‑04
Jan Florian Kern (Info) LBNL photosynthesis, structural biology, biospectroscopy jfkern 2023‑01‑10
Hyunchul Kim (Info) LBNL Rechargeable battery system, Synchrotron radiation-based analysis choli8988 2019‑12‑17
Sung-Hou Kim (Info) UC Berkeley Structural biology jandh 2012‑03‑07
Brandon Krull (Info) LBNL Quantum chemistry, density functional theory bkrull 2017‑02‑14
Romas Kudirka (Info) UC Irvine organic synthesis pq 2015‑11‑08
Byoung-Chul Lee (Info) UCSF protein folding and stability pq 2015‑11‑16
James C Lee (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Cell mechanics; neurodegenerative diseases; Alzheimer's disease Leejam 2019‑11‑05
Woochul Lee (Info) University of Michigan pq 2015‑11‑22
Sophie A. Lelievre (Info) Purdue Cell Biology, Biochemistry pq 2016‑03‑21
Frank T Lindgren (Info) LBNL lipoproteins jandh 2018‑12‑05
Gao Liu (Info) Michigan State, LBNL polymer science, materials pq 2016‑01‑01
Yuchen Liu (Info) UC Berkeley, UC Davis Scattering Theory vikilyc 2020‑04‑25
Nathaniel A. Lynd (Info) UMN, UC Santa Barbara, LBNL, UT Austin Polymer science pq 2015‑11‑16
Victor R. Mann (Info) LBNL Nanoscience, chemical biology vrmann 2022‑05‑10
Karl Mayrhofer (Info) Technische Universität München, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung pasc 2025‑01‑18
Laura J McCormick (Info) Advanced Light Source, Berkeley Lab Inorganic chemistry, Crystallography, Coordination Polymers ljmcco 2017‑08‑27
Edwin M. McMillan (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL Nuclear chemistry david 2009‑09‑05
Stefan G. Minasian (Info) UC Berkeley inorganic and organometallic compounds pq 2015‑11‑11
Dina Mirijanian (Info) LBNL ronz 2016‑06‑15
Tara Prasad Mishra (Info) Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, LBNL Electron Microscopy, Computational Condensed Matter Physics Taraprasadmishra 2020‑01‑24
Aindrila Mukhopadhyay (Info) Chicago, LBNL supramolecular self-assembly pq 2015‑11‑12
Hannah Murnen (Info) UC Berkeley Polymer Science pq 2015‑12‑01
Satish C. B. Myneni (Info) Princeton environmental geochemistry jandh 2012‑12‑03
Ki Tae Nam (Info) Seoul National University ronz 2016‑06‑15
Bryan P. Nell (Info) University of Minnesota Morris, University of Oregon, LBNL Organophosphorus chemistry, organometallics, synthesis spdf 2021‑01‑19
Celeste M. Nelson (Info) Princeton Tissue Morphodynamics jandh 2013‑08‑10
John T. Newberg (Info) University of Delaware Surface Chemistry and Physics pq 2015‑11‑06
Ka Chon Ng (Info) LBNL, National Tsing Hua University, National Tsing Hua University, Ohio State Interface properties, Nonlinear optical spectroscopy, Physical chemistry plmnbbn 2023‑09‑17
Andy I. Nguyen (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL, University of Illinois, Chicago Chemistry ainguyen10688 2015‑03‑04
Eva Nogales (Info) UC Berkeley jandh 2013‑08‑08
Tad Ogorzalek (Info) LBNL tadogo 2019‑06‑20
Billy K. Poon (Info) Rice University General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑03‑30
Arthur M Poskanzer (Info) LBNL jandh 2020‑10‑18
Caroline Proulx (Info) Université de Montréal Organic Chemistry pq 2016‑05‑23
Yusen Qiao (Info) Penn, LBNL Inorganic chemistry qysgeorge 2018‑05‑15
Archana Raja (Info) LBNL afr2117 2017‑05‑14
Thomas J. Richardson (Info) LBNL wanghaykan 2017‑12‑02
Antonio Rodes (Info) University of Alicante RodriqPB 2018‑09‑25
Adrianne M. Rosales (Info) UC Berkeley Polymer Science pq 2015‑12‑01
Philip N. Ross, Jr. (Info) LBNL Electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems, hydrogen production from fossil fuels jandh 2014‑09‑01
Thomas P. Russell (Info) U Mass Amherst Polymers and block copolymers jandh 2012‑03‑11
Miquel Salmeron (Info) LBNL nanometer scale mechanical, chemical and physical properties of surfaces and interfaces jandh 2013‑03‑03
Suchol Savagatrup (Info) MIT Conjugated polymers, Sensors, Complex colloids vsuchol 2017‑09‑14
P. James Schuck (Info) LBNL plasmonics, spectroscopy amschwartzberg 2013‑12‑10
Adam Michael Schwartzberg (Info) LBNL Physical chemistry, ultrafast dynamics, stimulated Raman, atomic layer deposition, gas phase photochemistry, renewable energy, nanotechnology amschwartzberg 2013‑06‑22
Glenn T. Seaborg (Info) UC Berkeley Nuclear chemistry Katelin108 2010‑10‑01
Ondřej Sedláček (Info) Charles University connectingresearchers 2021‑09‑07
David A. Shirley (Info) UC Berkeley physical chemistry jandh 2012‑06‑24
David K. Shuh (Info) LBNL selvandemir 2021‑02‑14
Marina Simian (Info) Instituto de Nanosistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín cell biology, mammary gland biology, breast cancer, nanotechnology msimian1 2020‑05‑12
David A. Sivak (Info) Simon Fraser Biophysics, Theoretical Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑11
Gabor A. Somorjai (Info) UC Berkeley surface science jandh 2011‑08‑03
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith (Info) UC Berkeley Computational chemistry, reaction networks, electrochemistry, kinetics, cheminformatics espottesmith 2024‑01‑25
Frank Samuel Stephens (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL jandh 2020‑08‑30
Ralf Sudowe (Info) University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Colorado State, LBNL Radiochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry pq 2016‑04‑04
Jing Sun (Info) LBNL ronz 2016‑06‑15
František Švec (Info) LBNL connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑09
John R. Swierk (Info) Penn, Penn State, LBNL, Yale Inorganic, Analytical, Energy Conversion jswierk 2014‑02‑25
John Tainer (Info) Scripps Institute Biochemistry pq 2016‑02‑01
Franklin (Feng) Tao (Info) Notre Dame chemistry and structure of the catalyst surfaces jandh 2013‑03‑03
Simon J. Teat (Info) LBNL small molecule crystallography, diffraction, framework materials, in-situ experiments bssymr 2016‑10‑24
Stanley Gerald Thompson (Info) UC Berkeley, LBNL nuclear chemistry jandh 2020‑08‑31
T. Don Tilley (Info) UCSD, UC Berkeley Synthetic, structural, and reactivity studies on transition metal compounds jandh 2012‑03‑03
Tetsu K. Tokunaga (Info) LBNL jandh 2012‑12‑03
Bert Mills Tolbert (Info) LBNL, CU Boulder Biochemistry Vigyaanik 2021‑04‑19
Francesca Maria Toma (Info) LBNL Photoelectrochemistry kemphys 2017‑09‑30
Wei Tong (Info) LBNL, Wildcat , Rutgers, New Brunswick kripke 2017‑11‑05
Lynn Trahey (Info) Northwestern University/Argonne National Lab., Argonne National Laboratory, LBNL Physical and Inorganic Chemistry pq 2015‑11‑11
Blakely W Tresca (Info) Kalamazoo College organic, supramolecular, peptoids Idosci 2018‑02‑06
Susan E. Tsutakawa (Info) LBNL py 2019‑08‑28
Jeffrey J. Urban (Info) LBNL amschwartzberg 2013‑06‑22
Kai-An Wang (Info) LBNL combinatorial synthesis materials science wang6467 2016‑07‑12
Glenn A. Waychunas (Info) LBNL pyang23 2023‑06‑24
Walter W. Weare (Info) NCSU Inorganic Chemistry wwweare 2013‑02‑18
Adam Z. Weber (Info) UC Berkeley electrochemical energy conversion and storage pq 2015‑11‑07
Shimon Weiss (Info) UCLA Biophysics, Structural Biology raniar 2015‑10‑11
David B Williams-Young (Info) LBNL Electronic Structure Theory, Quantum Chemistry, High Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra dbwy 2020‑06‑02
Kevin Wilson (Info) LBNL 2018‑01‑30
Xiaoqin Wu (Info) LBNL westline 2019‑10‑30
Jing Xu (Info) UCSD, LBNL, Iowa State energy kripke 2017‑11‑05
Jiajun Yan (Info) ShanghaiTech University Polymer Chemistry JiajunY 2023‑10‑09
Young-Sang Yu (Info) UCSD, University of Illinois, Chicago, LBNL X-Ray Syncrotron, materials kripke 2017‑11‑05
Changlin Zhang (Info) LBNL Nano Materials, Electron Microscopy, Energy Conversion phenix151 2017‑12‑14
Ronald N. Zuckermann (Info) LBNL Nanobioscience ronz 2012‑08‑24
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