People with institution matching "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory":
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Date |
Paul David Adams (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
crystallography, cryo-EM, computational methods, structural biology |
paul.d.adams |
2021‑07‑05 |
Tae Kyu Ahn (Info) |
Sungkyunkwam University |
Laser spectroscopy, Photosynthesis, Solar Cells |
achemist89 |
2022‑10‑27 |
Saadia Amiel (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
jandh |
2024‑06‑20 |
Matthias Arenz (Info) |
University of Bonn, LBNL, Technical University of Munich, Copenhagen University, University of Bern |
pasc |
2024‑11‑22 |
Paul D. Ashby (Info) |
Harvard |
nanoscience |
pq |
2015‑11‑07 |
Muratahan Aykol (Info) |
Toyota Research Institute |
computational materials science, DFT, batteries, machine learning |
mma01844 |
2017‑09‑10 |
Patricia Ann Baisden (Info) |
jandh |
2015‑08‑27 |
Steven Baldelli (Info) |
University of Houston |
Surface Chemistry |
qavo08 |
2015‑01‑14 |
Swastika Banerjee (Info) |
IIT Roorkee |
connectingresearchers |
2022‑10‑06 |
Christine M. Beavers (Info) |
UC Santa Cruz, Diamond Light Source |
crystallography, extreme conditions, phase changes |
bssymr |
2016‑10‑24 |
Mark D. Biggin (Info) |
jandh |
2013‑11‑13 |
Mina J. Bissell (Info) |
Microenvironmental Influences on Gene Expression and Tissue Specificity in Normal and Malignant Breast |
jandh |
2013‑08‑11 |
Samuel M. Blau (Info) |
Reaction networks, high-throughput molecular electronic structure, electrochemistry, open quantum systems |
sblau |
2021‑04‑09 |
Hendrik Bluhm (Info) |
LBNL, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
jtnewberg |
2019‑07‑05 |
Artur Braun (Info) |
surface science, electrochemistry, phyiscal chemistry, x-ray spectroscopy, neutron scattering, metal oxides, carbon, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry |
arturbraun |
2014‑06‑05 |
Henry John Burki (Info) |
Rochester, UC Berkeley, LBNL |
Radiation Biology, DNA damage, Biophysics |
damielcassiel |
2017‑11‑23 |
Jordi Cabana (Info) |
LBNL, University of Illinois, Chicago |
Materials Chemistry, Batteries, X-Ray Spectroscopy |
kripke |
2015‑02‑20 |
Charles R. Cantor (Info) |
Boston University, Columbia, LBNL, UC Berkeley |
Human genome analysis; molecular genetics; new biophysical tools and methodologies; genetic engineering |
jandh |
2013‑01‑28 |
Sophie Carenco (Info) |
Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LBNL, CNRS, College de France |
Chemistry ; Material Sciences |
sophie.carenco |
2017‑11‑10 |
Kristin Aslaug Ceder-Persson (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
htz1992213 |
2017‑04‑17 |
Yu Chai (Info) |
Polymer Physics, AFM |
yuchai |
2019‑02‑12 |
Promita Chakraborty (Info) |
Virginia Tech/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
Joel Chasis (Info) |
Leejam |
2019‑11‑08 |
Chun-Long Chen (Info) |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
Guoying Chen (Info) |
Penn State, LBNL |
Chemistry of Nanoscale Inorganic Materials |
pq |
2015‑11‑17 |
Linfeng Chen (Info) |
UCSD, Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
lic162 |
2020‑10‑04 |
Zhan Chen (Info) |
University of Michigan |
Biomaterial and Polymer Surfaces, Biocompatibility, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Lasers |
jandh |
2013‑02‑07 |
Eun Seon Cho (Info) |
MIT/École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
frstella |
2018‑10‑19 |
In-Geol Choi (Info) |
Korea University |
Computational Genomics |
igcucb |
2017‑10‑02 |
Jaeyoo Choi (Info) |
Seoul National University, LBNL |
dl9 |
2020‑06‑13 |
Gregory R. Choppin (Info) |
Florida State |
jandh |
2011‑10‑31 |
Victor Chubukov (Info) |
tteng |
2020‑08‑05 |
Bruce Elliot Cohen (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
nanoscience, bioimaging, chemical biology |
jandh |
2018‑01‑21 |
Gavin E. Crooks (Info) |
Thermodynamics |
gec |
2014‑10‑08 |
Tanja Cuk (Info) |
UC Berkeley, CU Boulder |
artificial photosynthesis |
jandh |
2012‑03‑04 |
Wibe A. de Jong (Info) |
quantum chemistry, HPC, machine learning, quantum computing |
muammar |
2019‑10‑31 |
Selvan Demir (Info) |
Michigan State |
connectingresearchers |
2020‑07‑17 |
Donald J. DePaolo (Info) |
UCLA, UC Berkeley |
Geochemistry |
pq |
2016‑01‑24 |
Richard M. Diamond (Info) |
nuclear chemistry |
jandh |
2014‑04‑12 |
Baoquan Ding (Info) |
david |
2015‑07‑05 |
Muammar El Khatib (Info) |
LCPQ, IRSAMC - CNRS, UPS III Toulouse, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, UC Berkeley, Bristol Myers Squibb |
Machine Learning, Electronic Structure |
muammar |
2018‑12‑11 |
Thomas Eng (Info) |
systems biology, genetics |
tteng |
2020‑08‑04 |
Graham R. Fleming (Info) |
UC Berkeley, Chicago |
Ultrafast Spectroscopy |
jandh |
2011‑12‑06 |
Heinz Markus Frei (Info) |
Artificial Photosynthesis |
jandh |
2012‑03‑04 |
Chengyin Fu (Info) |
lgeng |
2018‑07‑26 |
Kevin J. Gagnon (Info) |
Vertex Pharmaceuticals |
Chemistry, crystallography |
Kjgagnon |
2016‑10‑26 |
Warren Manford Garrison (Info) |
jandh |
2020‑05‑02 |
Abhik Ghosh (Info) |
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, University of California, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway |
Bioinorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, computational chemistry |
recurvirostrid |
2017‑03‑13 |
Naomi Shauna Ginsberg (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
photosynthetic light harvesting |
jandh |
2012‑03‑06 |
Anne E. V. Gorden (Info) |
UT Austin, UC Berkeley, LBNL, Auburn University, Texas Tech |
Synthetic Chemistry and Actinide Science |
pq |
2015‑11‑08 |
Gautam Gundiah (Info) |
APL Engineered Materials, Inc., LBNL, UC Santa Barbara, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore, India |
gundiah |
2015‑08‑31 |
Juchen Guo (Info) |
UC Riverside |
lgeng |
2018‑07‑26 |
Jeffrey J. Headd (Info) |
Duke |
3D structures of proteins |
pq |
2015‑11‑13 |
Clayton H. Heathcock (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
natural products chemistry |
jandh |
2011‑11‑04 |
Brett A. Helms (Info) |
Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Materials Chemistry |
jonlam |
2013‑02‑19 |
Alexandre HERVE (Info) |
alexandreherve |
2016‑07‑09 |
Alexander Hexemer (Info) |
UC Santa Barbara |
polymer interfaces |
pq |
2015‑11‑07 |
Daniel Allen Horner (Info) |
daringdan |
2016‑09‑15 |
Jianping Huang (Info) |
SUNY Stony Brook, LBNL |
Materials Chemistry |
sbuhenry |
2018‑07‑26 |
Earl K. Hyde (Info) |
Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory, LBNL |
nuclear chemistry |
jandh |
2020‑09‑02 |
Anubhav Jain (Info) |
espottesmith |
2024‑01‑25 |
Kinson C. Kam (Info) |
SUNY Binghamton, UC Santa Barbara, Uppsala, LBNL |
Materials Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑12‑02 |
Wang Hay Kan (Info) |
Institute of High Energy Physics |
Solid State Chemistry, Energy Storage/Conversion Systems, X-ray/Neutron Diffraction |
pq |
2016‑05‑02 |
Balasubramaniam R. Kavaipatti (Info) |
LBNL, IIT Bombay |
Fuel Cells, PVD, MBE |
pq |
2015‑10‑04 |
Jay D. Keasling (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Metabolic engineering of microorganisms |
jandh |
2012‑03‑04 |
Jan Florian Kern (Info) |
photosynthesis, structural biology, biospectroscopy |
jfkern |
2023‑01‑10 |
Hyunchul Kim (Info) |
Rechargeable battery system, Synchrotron radiation-based analysis |
choli8988 |
2019‑12‑17 |
Sung-Hou Kim (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Structural biology |
jandh |
2012‑03‑07 |
Brandon Krull (Info) |
Quantum chemistry, density functional theory |
bkrull |
2017‑02‑14 |
Romas Kudirka (Info) |
UC Irvine |
organic synthesis |
pq |
2015‑11‑08 |
Byoung-Chul Lee (Info) |
protein folding and stability |
pq |
2015‑11‑16 |
James C Lee (Info) |
University of Illinois, Chicago |
Cell mechanics; neurodegenerative diseases; Alzheimer's disease |
Leejam |
2019‑11‑05 |
Woochul Lee (Info) |
University of Michigan |
pq |
2015‑11‑22 |
Sophie A. Lelievre (Info) |
Purdue |
Cell Biology, Biochemistry |
pq |
2016‑03‑21 |
Frank T Lindgren (Info) |
lipoproteins |
jandh |
2018‑12‑05 |
Gao Liu (Info) |
Michigan State, LBNL |
polymer science, materials |
pq |
2016‑01‑01 |
Yuchen Liu (Info) |
UC Berkeley, UC Davis |
Scattering Theory |
vikilyc |
2020‑04‑25 |
Nathaniel A. Lynd (Info) |
UMN, UC Santa Barbara, LBNL, UT Austin |
Polymer science |
pq |
2015‑11‑16 |
Victor R. Mann (Info) |
Nanoscience, chemical biology |
vrmann |
2022‑05‑10 |
Karl Mayrhofer (Info) |
Technische Universität München, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung |
pasc |
2025‑01‑18 |
Laura J McCormick (Info) |
Advanced Light Source, Berkeley Lab |
Inorganic chemistry, Crystallography, Coordination Polymers |
ljmcco |
2017‑08‑27 |
Edwin M. McMillan (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
Nuclear chemistry |
david |
2009‑09‑05 |
Stefan G. Minasian (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
inorganic and organometallic compounds |
pq |
2015‑11‑11 |
Dina Mirijanian (Info) |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
Tara Prasad Mishra (Info) |
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, LBNL |
Electron Microscopy, Computational Condensed Matter Physics |
Taraprasadmishra |
2020‑01‑24 |
Aindrila Mukhopadhyay (Info) |
Chicago, LBNL |
supramolecular self-assembly |
pq |
2015‑11‑12 |
Hannah Murnen (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Polymer Science |
pq |
2015‑12‑01 |
Satish C. B. Myneni (Info) |
Princeton |
environmental geochemistry |
jandh |
2012‑12‑03 |
Ki Tae Nam (Info) |
Seoul National University |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
Bryan P. Nell (Info) |
University of Minnesota Morris, University of Oregon, LBNL |
Organophosphorus chemistry, organometallics, synthesis |
spdf |
2021‑01‑19 |
Celeste M. Nelson (Info) |
Princeton |
Tissue Morphodynamics |
jandh |
2013‑08‑10 |
John T. Newberg (Info) |
University of Delaware |
Surface Chemistry and Physics |
pq |
2015‑11‑06 |
Ka Chon Ng (Info) |
LBNL, National Tsing Hua University, National Tsing Hua University, Ohio State |
Interface properties, Nonlinear optical spectroscopy, Physical chemistry |
plmnbbn |
2023‑09‑17 |
Andy I. Nguyen (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL, University of Illinois, Chicago |
Chemistry |
ainguyen10688 |
2015‑03‑04 |
Eva Nogales (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
jandh |
2013‑08‑08 |
Tad Ogorzalek (Info) |
tadogo |
2019‑06‑20 |
Billy K. Poon (Info) |
Rice University |
General Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering |
pq |
2016‑03‑30 |
Arthur M Poskanzer (Info) |
jandh |
2020‑10‑18 |
Caroline Proulx (Info) |
Université de Montréal |
Organic Chemistry |
pq |
2016‑05‑23 |
Yusen Qiao (Info) |
Penn, LBNL |
Inorganic chemistry |
qysgeorge |
2018‑05‑15 |
Archana Raja (Info) |
afr2117 |
2017‑05‑14 |
Thomas J. Richardson (Info) |
wanghaykan |
2017‑12‑02 |
Antonio Rodes (Info) |
University of Alicante |
RodriqPB |
2018‑09‑25 |
Adrianne M. Rosales (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Polymer Science |
pq |
2015‑12‑01 |
Philip N. Ross, Jr. (Info) |
Electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems, hydrogen production from fossil fuels |
jandh |
2014‑09‑01 |
Thomas P. Russell (Info) |
U Mass Amherst |
Polymers and block copolymers |
jandh |
2012‑03‑11 |
Miquel Salmeron (Info) |
nanometer scale mechanical, chemical and physical properties of surfaces and interfaces |
jandh |
2013‑03‑03 |
Suchol Savagatrup (Info) |
Conjugated polymers, Sensors, Complex colloids |
vsuchol |
2017‑09‑14 |
P. James Schuck (Info) |
plasmonics, spectroscopy |
amschwartzberg |
2013‑12‑10 |
Adam Michael Schwartzberg (Info) |
Physical chemistry, ultrafast dynamics, stimulated Raman, atomic layer deposition, gas phase photochemistry, renewable energy, nanotechnology |
amschwartzberg |
2013‑06‑22 |
Glenn T. Seaborg (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Nuclear chemistry |
Katelin108 |
2010‑10‑01 |
Ondřej Sedláček (Info) |
Charles University |
connectingresearchers |
2021‑09‑07 |
David A. Shirley (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
physical chemistry |
jandh |
2012‑06‑24 |
David K. Shuh (Info) |
selvandemir |
2021‑02‑14 |
Marina Simian (Info) |
Instituto de Nanosistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín |
cell biology, mammary gland biology, breast cancer, nanotechnology |
msimian1 |
2020‑05‑12 |
David A. Sivak (Info) |
Simon Fraser |
Biophysics, Theoretical Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑11‑11 |
Gabor A. Somorjai (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
surface science |
jandh |
2011‑08‑03 |
Evan Walter Clark Spotte-Smith (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Computational chemistry, reaction networks, electrochemistry, kinetics, cheminformatics |
espottesmith |
2024‑01‑25 |
Frank Samuel Stephens (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
jandh |
2020‑08‑30 |
Ralf Sudowe (Info) |
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Colorado State, LBNL |
Radiochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry |
pq |
2016‑04‑04 |
Jing Sun (Info) |
ronz |
2016‑06‑15 |
František Švec (Info) |
connectingresearchers |
2020‑07‑09 |
John R. Swierk (Info) |
Penn, Penn State, LBNL, Yale |
Inorganic, Analytical, Energy Conversion |
jswierk |
2014‑02‑25 |
John Tainer (Info) |
Scripps Institute |
Biochemistry |
pq |
2016‑02‑01 |
Franklin (Feng) Tao (Info) |
Notre Dame |
chemistry and structure of the catalyst surfaces |
jandh |
2013‑03‑03 |
Simon J. Teat (Info) |
small molecule crystallography, diffraction, framework materials, in-situ experiments |
bssymr |
2016‑10‑24 |
Stanley Gerald Thompson (Info) |
UC Berkeley, LBNL |
nuclear chemistry |
jandh |
2020‑08‑31 |
T. Don Tilley (Info) |
UCSD, UC Berkeley |
Synthetic, structural, and reactivity studies on transition metal compounds |
jandh |
2012‑03‑03 |
Tetsu K. Tokunaga (Info) |
jandh |
2012‑12‑03 |
Bert Mills Tolbert (Info) |
LBNL, CU Boulder |
Biochemistry |
Vigyaanik |
2021‑04‑19 |
Francesca Maria Toma (Info) |
Photoelectrochemistry |
kemphys |
2017‑09‑30 |
Wei Tong (Info) |
LBNL, Wildcat , Rutgers, New Brunswick |
kripke |
2017‑11‑05 |
Lynn Trahey (Info) |
Northwestern University/Argonne National Lab., Argonne National Laboratory, LBNL |
Physical and Inorganic Chemistry |
pq |
2015‑11‑11 |
Blakely W Tresca (Info) |
Kalamazoo College |
organic, supramolecular, peptoids |
Idosci |
2018‑02‑06 |
Susan E. Tsutakawa (Info) |
py |
2019‑08‑28 |
Jeffrey J. Urban (Info) |
amschwartzberg |
2013‑06‑22 |
Kai-An Wang (Info) |
combinatorial synthesis materials science |
wang6467 |
2016‑07‑12 |
Glenn A. Waychunas (Info) |
pyang23 |
2023‑06‑24 |
Walter W. Weare (Info) |
Inorganic Chemistry |
wwweare |
2013‑02‑18 |
Adam Z. Weber (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
electrochemical energy conversion and storage |
pq |
2015‑11‑07 |
Shimon Weiss (Info) |
Biophysics, Structural Biology |
raniar |
2015‑10‑11 |
David B Williams-Young (Info) |
Electronic Structure Theory, Quantum Chemistry, High Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra |
dbwy |
2020‑06‑02 |
Kevin Wilson (Info) |
| |
2018‑01‑30 |
Xiaoqin Wu (Info) |
westline |
2019‑10‑30 |
Jing Xu (Info) |
UCSD, LBNL, Iowa State |
energy |
kripke |
2017‑11‑05 |
Jiajun Yan (Info) |
ShanghaiTech University |
Polymer Chemistry |
JiajunY |
2023‑10‑09 |
Young-Sang Yu (Info) |
UCSD, University of Illinois, Chicago, LBNL |
X-Ray Syncrotron, materials |
kripke |
2017‑11‑05 |
Changlin Zhang (Info) |
Nano Materials, Electron Microscopy, Energy Conversion |
phenix151 |
2017‑12‑14 |
Ronald N. Zuckermann (Info) |
Nanobioscience |
ronz |
2012‑08‑24 |
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