People with institution matching "NASA":
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Gilles Adande (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
stemil |
2014‑08‑28 |
W. Ross Adey (Info) |
Biophysics, neurobiology, EEG |
CJM3 |
2009‑03‑31 |
Louis John Allamandola (Info) |
Leiden, NASA |
astrobiology |
jandh |
2011‑08‑18 |
Jan E. Almlöf (Info) |
Quantum chemistry |
jandh |
2013‑02‑05 |
Harold John Annegarn (Info) |
North West University, South Africa |
atmospheric science, aerosols, combustion stoves, renewable energy |
hannegarn |
2020‑01‑22 |
José Carlos Aponte (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2017‑07‑23 |
Huiming Bao (Info) |
LSU Baton Rouge |
Thiemens |
2021‑08‑15 |
Jessica J Barnes (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center |
Mikbalt |
2018‑01‑16 |
Max Bernstein (Info) |
jdworkin |
2015‑08‑21 |
David W. Bogdanoff (Info) |
Princeton, University of Washington, NASA Ames Research Center |
fldryer |
2020‑07‑01 |
Robert B Bohn (Info) |
NIST Gaithersburg |
rbohn |
2021‑07‑20 |
Donald Bouchard (Info) |
Emory, Florida State, Penn, Colgate Palmolive, Anasazi Instruments, Alegre Science |
NMR spectroscopy, inorganic chemistry |
rqtopper |
2022‑08‑18 |
Jeremy W. Boyce (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center |
geochemistry, planetary science |
jwboyce |
2017‑01‑17 |
Richard Spohn Brokaw (Info) |
Princeton, NASA Lewis Research Center |
fldryer |
2020‑02‑01 |
Michael Brown (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
| |
2021‑07‑01 |
Alma L. Burlingame (Info) |
Mass spectrometry |
pq |
2016‑05‑28 |
Aaron Burton (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center |
jdworkin |
2015‑08‑21 |
David G. Burtt (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Isotope geochemistry |
dburtt |
2023‑04‑14 |
Michael P. Callahan (Info) |
Boise State |
Isolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry |
pq |
2016‑01‑14 |
Roy Christoffersen (Info) |
University of Houston, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
space science, minerals, microscopy |
kripke |
2023‑08‑18 |
Kevin B. Clark (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center, Felidae Conservation Fund, Penn, IEEE Nanotechnology and Biometrics Councils, Cures Within Reach, Peace Innovation Institute (Stanford University and The Hague), SETI Institute, NSF Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services and Support (ACCESS), Berkeley Lab, Frontier Development Lab, Max Planck Alumni Association, National Ecological Observatory Network |
Learning and Memory, Perception, Decision Making, Neuroprosthetics, Drug Design and Repurposing, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuromodulation, Synaptic Plasticity, Cellular Response Regulation, Quantum Biochemistry |
kbclarkphd |
2015‑10‑21 |
Amanda Marie Cook (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
pgerakines |
2014‑08‑27 |
Thomas Daniel Crawford (Info) |
Virginia Tech |
Theoretical chemistry |
lothian |
2014‑03‑12 |
Patrick M. Crill (Info) |
Biogeochemistry, Soil Science Agriculture |
pq |
2016‑05‑22 |
Ruben Delgado (Info) |
University of Maryland Baltimore County/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
brweiner |
2022‑12‑01 |
Mark Adam Ditzler (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
RNA, Origin of life, Astrobiology |
mditzler |
2014‑01‑29 |
Gwenaelle Celina Dufour (Info) |
NASA GSFC/Catholic University, Leiden |
Astrochemistry |
Gwen |
2020‑10‑01 |
Jason Peter Dworkin (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Meteorites, astrobiology, organic analytical chemistry |
jdworkin |
2014‑08‑14 |
Jamie E. Elsila (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
astrobiology, astrochemistry |
jelsila |
2014‑09‑18 |
Catherine C. Fenselau (Info) |
University of Maryland, UMBC |
Proteomics and biomolecular studies using mass spectrometry; rapid detection of airborne microorganisms |
david |
2015‑12‑23 |
Ryan C. Fortenberry (Info) |
Georgia Southern University, University of Mississippi |
Astrochemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Computational Spectroscopy, Science Communication |
r410 |
2014‑07‑02 |
Joseph S. Francisco (Info) |
Purdue |
spectroscopy, kinetics and photochemistry of novel transient species in the gas phase |
jandh |
2013‑02‑18 |
Charles Gatebe (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
hannegarn |
2020‑01‑22 |
Thomas GAUTIER (Info) |
Ruhr University Bochum, UVSQ, CNRS, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Max Planck for solar system studies |
Planetary science, astrobiology |
JFDoussin |
2019‑06‑28 |
Perry A. Gerakines (Info) |
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2012‑05‑02 |
Adeline Gicquel (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
stemil |
2014‑08‑28 |
Daniel P. Glavin (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
astrobiology, meteorites, mars, origin of life, chirality |
jdworkin |
2014‑08‑27 |
Christopher B. Gorman (Info) |
Organic and Materials Chemistry |
jandh |
2012‑03‑21 |
Heather V. Graham (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2018‑05‑12 |
Larry Allen Haskin (Info) |
UW Madison, NASA Johnson Space Center, Washington University |
Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy |
pq |
2016‑05‑28 |
Justin A. Hayles (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center |
| |
2021‑08‑18 |
Martin Head-Gordon (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
Theoretical Chemistry |
wtyiii |
2011‑05‑06 |
John Reid Howell (Info) |
Case Institute of Technology, NASA Lewis Research Center, University of Houston, UT Austin |
Radiative Heat Transfer, Monte Carlo Method |
sgrauer |
2022‑10‑26 |
Reggie L. Hudson (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2014‑09‑07 |
William M. Jackson (Info) |
Howard University, UC Davis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
photochemistry, lasers chemistry, astrochemistry. |
vmccrary |
2016‑04‑26 |
Lyatt Jaegle (Info) |
University of Washington |
Atmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry |
pq |
2016‑04‑18 |
Richard Jaffe (Info) |
jppiquem |
2013‑05‑22 |
Natasha Johnson (Info) |
Washington University |
swimsaturn |
2016‑05‑11 |
Ruth Sang Jones (Info) |
Oxford |
beomseok |
2021‑07‑28 |
John W Keller (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Physical Chemistry, Planetary Science |
JWKeller |
2018‑06‑13 |
Beomseok Kim (Info) |
Purdue |
organic synthesis, nanostructured materials |
pq |
2015‑11‑18 |
Dylan Jacob Kline (Info) |
LLNL, University of Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Arizona |
Energetic Materials |
dylankline |
2023‑10‑07 |
Erika N Kohler (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2019‑05‑08 |
Juzef Kucinski (Info) |
Vilniaus University |
beomseok |
2021‑07‑28 |
Timothy Joseph Lee (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
Computational Quantum Chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, astrochemistry |
jmlmartin |
2014‑05‑07 |
Ernest K Lewis (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center |
Planetary science and chemistry |
Eklewis |
2023‑02‑20 |
Jonathan A. Lewis (Info) |
NASA Johnson Space Center, Univ. of New Mexico |
Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry, Planetary Science |
jlewis11 |
2018‑09‑10 |
Carey Michael Lisse (Info) |
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory |
Solar System Astronomy, Exosystems, Cosmology |
cmlisse1 |
2021‑04‑07 |
Mark J. Loeffler (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2014‑09‑07 |
Nicolas J. Londono (Info) |
UIUC, NASA Ames Research Center, Lam Research |
Microfluidics, Fuel Cells, Tissue Engineering |
pq |
2015‑11‑19 |
Dionne Hernandez Lugo (Info) |
NASA Glenn Research Center |
brweiner |
2022‑12‑01 |
Seth R. Marder (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
materials for nonlinear optics, applications of organic dyes for photonic, display, electronic, and medical applications, and organometallic chemistry |
jandh |
2011‑12‑26 |
Jan M.L. Martin (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
Computational quantum chemistry |
jmlmartin |
2014‑05‑07 |
Francis M. McCubbin (Info) |
SUNY Stony Brook, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Univ. of New Mexico, NASA Johnson Space Center |
Planetology, Geochemistry, Geology |
pq |
2016‑05‑11 |
Dominic V. McGrath (Info) |
University of Arizona, University of Connecticut |
Organic Materials |
dmcgrath |
2015‑10‑20 |
Mary Ann Meador (Info) |
NASA Glenn Research Center |
Polymers, aerogels, electrolytes, polymer composites |
msmabm |
2016‑04‑22 |
Stefanie N. Milam (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Chemistry, Astrochemistry, Astronomy |
stemil |
2012‑05‑02 |
Marla H. Moore (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2014‑08‑14 |
Sri R. Narayanan (Info) |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USC |
Electrochemical systems |
Vigyaanik |
2021‑04‑23 |
Michael H. New (Info) |
rqtopper |
2013‑07‑08 |
Joe Nuth (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2017‑02‑04 |
Yoel Ohayon (Info) |
david |
2015‑07‑05 |
Matthew J Oliver (Info) |
University of Delaware |
Oceanography, Ecology, Polar Systems, Robotics, Remote Sensing, Conservation, Ocean Observing | |
2021‑03‑23 |
Eric Thomas Parker (Info) |
Georgia Tech, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2017‑02‑04 |
Andrew Pohorille (Info) |
UCSF, NASA Ames Research Center |
modeling the origins of life, computer simulations of biomolecular systems, modeling genetic and metabolic networks, and statistical mechanics of condensed phases |
jandh |
2021‑09‑09 |
Chad Pozarycki (Info) |
Georgia Tech |
astrobiology, analytical chemistry, capillary electrophoresis |
chadpoz |
2023‑08‑31 |
Christina R. Richey (Info) |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2012‑05‑02 |
Aaron S. Rury (Info) |
Wayne State |
Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy and Chemical Reaction Dynamics |
pq |
2015‑11‑17 |
Scott Sandford (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
stemil |
2014‑08‑28 |
Violeta Sanjuan Calzado (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
ateh |
2019‑11‑20 |
Oscar Schofield (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Oceanography Biology, Paleoecology, Biogeochemistry |
pq |
2016‑03‑18 |
Derek W. G. Sears (Info) |
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, NASA Ames Research Center |
Planetary Science, Geochemistry, meteorites and lunar samples |
pq |
2016‑03‑12 |
Harrison Smith (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
moliver |
2021‑12‑09 |
Karen E. Smith (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Boise State |
Astrochemistry |
pgerakines |
2014‑08‑15 |
Sanjoy M. Som (Info) |
University of Washington |
Planetology, Geomorphology, Sedimentary Geology |
pq |
2016‑05‑02 |
Jason M St Clair (Info) |
University of Maryland Baltimore County/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
atmospheric chemistry |
jsc |
2021‑10‑06 |
Tamar Stein (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Tapputi |
2018‑06‑30 |
James D Stephenson (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
markditzler |
2018‑09‑29 |
Jennifer C. Stern (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jdworkin |
2018‑05‑12 |
Viktor Stolc (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center |
Genomics & Analytics |
vstolc1 |
2018‑02‑04 |
Susan Elaine Strahan (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
jandh |
2021‑01‑21 |
Peter Robert Taylor (Info) |
University of Melbourne |
Computational Quantum Chemistry |
jmlmartin |
2014‑05‑07 |
Bethany P. Theiling (Info) |
Univ. of New Mexico, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Geochemistry, Sedimentary Geology, Climate Change |
pq |
2016‑02‑16 |
Alexander G.G.M. Tielens (Info) |
RUG, Leiden |
astrochemistry |
jandh |
2011‑08‑18 |
Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden (Info) |
Univ. of New Mexico, NASA Johnson Space Center |
Mikbalt |
2018‑01‑16 |
Stephanie L Vivod (Info) |
NASA Glenn Research Center |
Polymers, aerogels, elastomers, porous materials |
StephanieVivod |
2021‑08‑27 |
James C.G. Walker (Info) |
University of Michigan |
zachosjames |
2020‑09‑22 |
William T. Wallace (Info) |
Environmental Monitoring |
chillykart |
2013‑06‑13 |
Christopher R. Webster (Info) |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
jaegle |
2016‑10‑06 |
Brad R. Weiner (Info) |
Univ of Puerto Rico |
Gas Phase Dynamics, Nanotechnology |
bradweiner01 |
2012‑02‑21 |
Jeehyun Yang (Info) |
MIT, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Physical Chemistry |
whgreen |
2022‑12‑23 |
Yukiko Y. Yarnall (Info) |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
pgerakines |
2020‑08‑06 |
Katarina Yocum (Info) |
University of Wisconsin, Madison; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Astrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry |
kyocum |
2020‑10‑02 |
Kevin Zahnle (Info) |
NASA Ames Research Center, University of Michigan |
Impact processes, atmospheric escape processes, geochemical modelling of atmophiles, photochemical modelling |
mgacesa |
2022‑05‑12 |
Harvey A Zambrano (Info) |
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria |
Micro and Nanofluidics, Fluid Dynamics, Supercomputing, Heat transfer, Electrokinetics |
HarveyZambrano |
2019‑01‑15 |
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